Exhibit 99.2
The Redwood Review
4th Quarter 2005



  Residential Group   11
  Commercial Group   14
  CDO Group   16
  Finance Group Overview   18
  GAAP Earnings   20
  Core Earnings   21
  Total Taxable Income   22
  Core Taxable Income   23
  REIT Taxable Income   24
  Book Value per Share   25
  Return on Equity   27
  Discounts and Reserves   29
  Dividends   31
  Glossary   32
  Financial Tables   36
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005



The Redwood Review
This is our first Redwood Review. By publishing this Review on a quarterly basis, we hope to provide useful information that is accessible to shareholders seeking to learn more about our company and business.
We file quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and annual reports on Form 10-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Those filings and our quarterly earnings press releases provide information about our financial results from the perspective of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”). These documents are available on our web site. We urge you to study them, as there is much to learn about Redwood Trust there.
In the Redwood Review, you have the opportunity to learn more about Redwood Trust through a discussion of GAAP results and also a discussion of tax results and non-GAAP measures. You will first find a quarterly shareholder letter and then a background section on Redwood Trust that highlights the key aspects of our business. Following that is a discussion of current trends within each of the business groups that comprise Redwood Trust, a review of various financial indicators for our business, a glossary explaining some of the specialized terms we use, and then the tables that we formerly published as the “Quarterly Financial Supplement.”
We expect that the form and content of the Redwood Review will evolve over time. We welcome your input during this process.
On a basic level, our primary business — assuming the credit risk of securitized residential and commercial real estate loans — is not that difficult to understand. The details and business metrics, however, can get complicated. We hope that this Review provides some insight and serves as a useful tool for better understanding your investment in Redwood Trust.
CAUTIONARY STATEMENT: This Redwood Review contains forward-looking statements within the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Statements that are not historical in nature, including the words “anticipated,” “estimated,” “should,” “expect,” “believe,” ”intend,” and similar expressions, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, including, among other things, those described in the Annual Report on Form 10-K under Item 1A “Risk Factors.” Other risks, uncertainties, and factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected are detailed from time to time in reports filed by us with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including Forms 10-Q and 8-K. Important factors that may impact our actual results include changes in interest rates and market values; changes in prepayment rates; general economic conditions, particularly as they affect the price of earning assets and the credit status of borrowers; the level of liquidity in the capital markets as it affects our ability to finance our real estate asset portfolio; and other factors not presently identified. In light of these risks, uncertainties, and assumptions, the forward-looking events mentioned, discussed in, or incorporated by reference into this Review might not occur. Accordingly, our actual results may differ from our current expectations, estimates, and projections. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005   3



Fourth Quarter 2005
Dear Shareholders:
During the fourth quarter of 2005, we largely completed the asset sales program that we started mid-year. In total, we sold 40% of the residential credit-enhancement securities (“CES”) that we owned at Redwood as permanent assets. We sold primarily single B-rated (second-loss) securities while retaining most of our unrated first-loss credit-enhancement securities. This allowed us to substantially reduce our overall level of residential credit risk while also retaining the assets that could produce the highest economic gains should credit conditions for residential real estate continue to be favorable.
Our remaining residential credit-enhancement securities permanent asset portfolio of $330 million at December 31, 2005 is concentrated in first-loss securities that credit-enhance loans originated in 2003 and 2004. The $184 billion of underlying residential loans continue to produce superb credit results. Delinquencies have risen this quarter, although they remain at low levels. Normal seasoning patterns and hurricane damage account for most of the increase. We believe the slowing housing market has had little effect yet on our delinquency ratios. Credit losses continue to be very low — under one basis point (0.01%) per year.
Rising housing prices over the last few years have made it less likely that we will suffer credit losses from the residential loans underlying these securities. Even if housing markets deteriorate somewhat going forward, these securities could potentially generate high returns for us. If so, they could provide strong support for our earnings results in 2007, 2008, and 2009.
If real estate loan credit losses were to increase dramatically, as some predict, much of our investment in these securities could be lost. However, there would be no call on our capital from our credit-enhancement business. The credit guarantees we have made are limited and our maximum loss is equal to the investment we have already made. Furthermore, we do not leverage our investment in credit-enhancement securities. That is, we do not use debt to fund those investments. If the worst case happens, our strong balance sheet will be an asset.
Our asset sale program left us at year-end with $189 million of excess cash available to invest in new business. How to employ this capital, and when, are the primary short-term tactical decisions we are facing today.
We are not going to be in a hurry to invest our excess capital. While we remain optimistic about the long-term performance of the housing markets, we are starting to see numerous signs of weakness in the housing markets today. We believe that a weakening of the housing market would, if it continues, likely bring us excellent asset acquisition opportunities over the next few years. Our goal is to maintain cash balances to take advantage of these future opportunities. When liquidity dries up in the capital markets, that is when cash is the most valuable. Furthermore, from a risk perspective, we believe it is prudent to wait until some of the present uncertainties about the housing markets are cleared up before we commit all of our shareholders’ cash to new investments.
(continued on next page)
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Fourth Quarter 2005 (continued)
Our current plan, which is subject to change, is to invest our excess capital steadily over the next two to three years. Carrying excess capital will not help earnings in 2006, although we still expect to generate an acceptable return on equity (and declare regular dividends plus a special dividend) in 2006.
We are continuing to build our business of credit-enhancing securitized commercial real estate loans. Commercial real estate properties as a whole continue to improve their cash flows and valuations. Due to the level of competition in commercial credit-enhancement, and due to weakening commercial loan origination standards, the prospective returns from commercial
credit-enhancement securities at the moment are acceptable, but not overwhelming. We will continue to develop this business as part of our long-term growth and diversification strategy, and are pleased with our accomplishments to date in this area.
The market for sponsoring collateralized debt obligation (“CDO”) securitizations continues to be attractive, although it is has become more volatile. We expect to continue sponsoring Acacia CDO transactions during 2006. After Acacia completes each securitization, we expect to acquire and invest in all or a portion of the CDO equity securities created in these transactions. We expect that these will be attractive long-term permanent assets.
We believe that the CDO business is a fertile area for innovation. In 2005, we sponsored our first predominately commercial real estate CDO. We also incorporated synthetic assets in Acacia’s asset pools for the first time. Over the next few years, we expect our CDO sponsorship business to grow and evolve in interesting new ways, and continue to generate attractive new permanent asset investments and asset management fees.
Our residential mortgage conduit’s loan securitization business is in transition. In 2004 and prior years, we generated attractive levels of economic gains (gain on sale through securitization) by acquiring high-quality one- and six-month LIBOR adjustable-rate residential loans from originators, selling the loans to Sequoia securitization entities, and then sponsoring Sequoia securitizations of these loans. In today’s flat to inverted yield curve environment, however, LIBOR-indexed adjustable-rate loans (“ARMs”) are not an attractive option for homeowners. Origination volumes of this product have decreased dramatically. In addition, several Wall Street firms and others have entered the residential conduit business, thereby increasing competition and reducing economic gain-on-sale opportunities from securitization.
We are responding to these changes by broadening our residential conduit’s product line (both in terms of product type and loan quality characteristics) and by expanding our mortgage originator customer base. We are focusing on market areas and relationships where we believe we have, or can develop, a competitive advantage. We expect our residential conduit business to break-even economically this year (while also not absorbing much capital). Even at breakeven levels, our residential conduit brings multiple benefits to our business as a whole and is an excellent source of assets for us to invest in. In the longer term, we expect the residential conduit to develop in a manner that will once again generate attractive returns for our shareholders.
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Fourth Quarter 2005 (continued)
We continue to be large and active investors in the market for residential credit-enhancement securities created by others, and we continue to allocate the greater part of our capital to these assets. In the fourth quarter, we took advantage of some excellent acquisition opportunities. Acquisition pricing for some new assets improved, in part due to seasonal trends (as a result of supply/demand trends, the fourth quarter is usually a good time to buy assets) and also due to concerns about the housing markets.
In the fourth quarter, we continued to acquire credit-enhancement securities backed by negative amortization ARMs made to high-quality residential borrowers. Even though most of these loans are made to high-quality borrowers who make substantial down payments and do not need a negative amortization feature in order to afford their home, we still expect significantly higher delinquencies and losses from these loans compared to regular amortizing loans. Nevertheless, we believe we have a good chance of generating attractive risk-adjusted returns on these investments as a result of the way the securitizations of these riskier loan types are structured and because of attractive acquisition pricing for these credit-enhancement securities. Although seemingly attractive, there is substantial uncertainty about the future performance of these assets. As a result, we will limit our overall investment in these credit-enhancement securities.
As is usually the case following year-end, new asset acquisition pricing has firmed in the first quarter of 2006. If there is an underlying trend towards wider spreads and more attractive asset acquisition pricing, we are not likely to see evidence of it until the second half of 2006.
In sum, we are very comfortable with our current asset base. We are looking forward to seeing what kind of returns we can generate from managing these assets over the next few years. We expect to have excellent asset acquisition opportunities in the years ahead, and we have the cash available to take advantage of these opportunities. We believe our core business has good long-term growth potential. Furthermore, our business continues to evolve and develop in interesting ways that could add to our returns over time.
As always, we appreciate your support of Redwood Trust and look forward to our continued relationship.
Yours truly,
-s- George E. Bull, lll
      -s- Douglas B. Hansen    
George E. Bull, III
      Douglas B. Hansen    
Chairman and CEO
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005   6



Interesting Things About RWT
1.   We are an entrepreneurial specialty finance company.
Our vision when we started Redwood Trust in 1994 was to create a company that is more efficient than banks, thrifts, and other financial institutions at owning, credit-enhancing, securitizing, and financing residential and commercial real estate loans.
Over time, we intend to build a variety of related and integrated specialty finance businesses in areas where we believe we can develop a competitive advantage.
For tax purposes, we are structured as a real estate investment trust (“REIT”). We also conduct business in our taxable non-REIT subsidiaries.
2.   Our primary business activity is credit-enhancing securitized residential and commercial real estate loans.
Historically, money lent to homeowners and property owners came from bank deposits. Today, a growing percentage of money sourced to fund loans comes from capital markets investors who buy mortgage-backed securities — fixed income securities backed by a pool of real estate loans.
Most of these investors want to buy AAA-rated or other investment-grade mortgage-backed securities that do not have a significant risk of loss if an underlying real estate loan defaults. Someone else has to assume the risk. Redwood Trust is a specialist in evaluating and managing real estate loan credit, and our core business is assuming the risk of loan default for securitized loans. Because Redwood Trust partially credit-enhances (or “guarantees”) these securitized loans, the risk of credit loss is reduced for capital markets investors in mortgage-backed securities. As a credit-enhancer, we are exposed to real estate credit risk on many loans, but we also have the ability to produce strong financial results if the real estate loans we credit-enhance perform well.
3.   We credit-enhance loans primarily by acquiring and owning first- and second-loss credit-enhancement securities.
In most securitizations of real estate loans, a variety of types of mortgage-backed securities are created, each with different characteristics with respect to average life, credit risk, prepayment risk, interest rate risk, and other variables.
One security is designated as the “first-loss” bond. If there are credit losses within the pool of securitized real estate loans, the principal value of the first-loss bond is reduced. If the entire principal value of the first-loss bond is eliminated due to credit losses within the securitized loan pool, then further credit losses reduce the principal value of the “second-loss” bond. Only when the entire principal value of the second-loss bond is eliminated do the other bonds issued from that securitization risk incurring credit losses. The first- and second-loss bonds are credit-enhancement securities, improving the creditworthiness of the other securities and protecting them from initial credit losses.
We typically acquire first-loss bonds at 25% to 35% of their principal value and second-loss bonds at 50% to 70% of their principal value. These bonds are acquired at a substantial discount to their principal value, as future credit losses could reduce or totally eliminate the principal value of these bonds. Our return on these investments is based on how much principal and interest we receive, and how quickly it comes in.
       (continued on next page)
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Interesting Things About RWT (continued)
3.   We credit-enhance loans primarily by acquiring and owning first and second-loss credit-enhancement securities (continued).
In an ideal environment, we would experience fast prepayments and low credit losses. We encountered this environment in 2003, 2004, and the first half of 2005. Conversely, our least favorable environment would be slow prepayments and high credit losses. We receive interest on the full principal value of bonds, so the interest earned on our cost basis is higher than the underlying coupon rate. For instance, on a bond with a principal value of $1 million — for which we may have paid only $300,000 — we receive interest based on the full principal value.
We typically do not receive principal payments until a few years into the deal, since the principal payments from the underlying loans are first used to pay down the most senior bonds. The amount of principal we ultimately receive is dependent on the amount of credit losses incurred before the deal is called, or when it matures. The timing of principal payments received and the timing of the realization of losses is also important to our investment returns. The faster we collect principal and the longer it takes to realize credit losses, the better it is for our investment returns.
4.   Our primary focus is on credit-enhancing high-quality loans.
Most of the real estate loans we credit-enhance are above average in terms of loan quality as compared to other securitized real estate loans. As a result, our delinquency and loss rates have been significantly lower than the national average. When market conditions are favorable, we plan to expand our credit-enhancement activities to include more loans that have average or below-average quality characteristics. Nevertheless, it is likely that the bulk of the real estate loans we credit-enhance will continue to be of above-average quality.
Typically, 40% — 50% of the residential loans we credit-enhance are on homes located in California. This roughly equals the percentage of all jumbo loans that are located in California, which we consider to be one of the more attractive states for the residential credit-enhancement business.
5.   As an integral part of our business, we also sponsor securitizations.
Our residential loan securitization business (our conduit) acquires residential whole loans from originators, accumulates loans over a period of weeks or months, and then sells the loans to newly-created securitization entities (typically called “Sequoia”) that create and sell securities backed by these loans (occasionally we also sell loans via bulk whole loan sales). We create economic gains on sale when the proceeds from the sale of securities exceed the purchase cost of the loans plus expenses. At December 31, 2005, 23% of our residential loan CES permanent asset portfolio were CES we acquired from the securitizations we have sponsored. We also have acquired some of the interest-only (“IO”) securities (prepayment rate sensitive securities) from these securitizations.
Our CDO group also sponsors securitizations. Over a period of several months, we acquire and aggregate a pool of diverse investment-grade and non-investment grade residential and commercial real estate securities and similar assets. We then sell this pool of assets to a newly-created securitization entity (typically called “Acacia”) that creates and sells asset-backed securities to the capital markets. We create economic gains on sale from these activities and earn ongoing management fees from outstanding Acacia transactions. As a permanent investment, Redwood typically acquires all or a portion of the CDO equity securities (which function as CES) from these CDO transactions.
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Interesting Things About RWT (continued)
6.   We are one of the leaders in our market segments.
The securitized residential real estate loan market can be divided into three segments. The first segment consists of “conforming” lower-balance loans, usually of average or better quality. Most of these loans are credit-enhanced by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The second segment consists of lower-quality loans that are credit-enhanced primarily by sub-prime mortgage origination companies. Redwood Trust is one of the largest credit-enhancers within the third segment, which consists of private label securitizations containing primarily larger-balance (“jumbo”) loans of above-average or average quality (prime and Alt-A). Redwood credit-enhances $184 billion of loans that have been securitized in private-label transactions, representing approximately 20% of the outstanding securitized loans in this segment.
Credit-enhancing commercial real estate loans is a newer business for Redwood. We have been developing our commercial business since 1998. We currently partially credit-enhance $26 billion commercial loans, representing approximately 3% of the outstanding commercial real estate loan balances that have been securitized. We participated in credit-enhancing 15% of all commercial real estate loans securitized in the U.S. during 2005.
7.   We have some interesting competitive advantages.
As a non-regulated specialty finance company, we have greater freedom to operate in the capital markets and securitization markets than do financial institutions such as banks and insurance companies. We also enjoy lower operating costs.
As a public company with permanent capital, we have an advantage in investing in illiquid assets relative to investment companies and partnerships that might suffer investor withdrawals and liquidity issues.
As a real estate investment trust (“REIT”), we have tax advantages relative to corporations that have to pay corporate income taxes, typically one of the largest costs of doing business.
With nearly $1 billion of equity capital focused on this one business, we have size advantages that bring economies of scale as well as marketing and operating advantages.
As a company with a small number of employees (79 as of 12/31/05) and one integrated business, we have a strong culture that is entrepreneurial, innovative, focused, and disciplined.
8.   We maintain a strong balance sheet.
Our business is currently funded primarily with equity capital. Compared to most financial institutions, we use very little debt financing. We currently utilize only equity capital to fund the credit-enhancement securities and other assets we hold as permanent assets for investment purposes.
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Interesting Things About RWT (continued)
8.   We maintain a strong balance sheet (continued).
We use a combination of debt and equity to fund assets that are acquired by our conduit and our CDO group on a temporary basis for re-sale to a securitization entity (inventory assets). At December 31, 2005, we had $935 million of equity and $170 million of debt.
Our balance sheet is also strong because our maximum exposure to losses caused by credit risk is limited to our investment in credit-enhancement securities. In other words, our maximum loss within our credit-enhancement business is less than our equity capital base.
We may utilize more debt in the future, depending on which businesses we develop over time. Nevertheless, we expect to maintain a strong balance sheet.
9.   We pay a regular dividend and may pay a special dividend.
As a REIT, we are required to distribute to shareholders as dividends at least 90% of our REIT taxable income, which is our income as calculated for tax purposes (exclusive of income earned in taxable non-REIT subsidiaries). In order to meet our dividend distribution requirements, we have been paying both a regular quarterly dividend and a year-end special dividend.
We set our regular quarterly dividend at a rate that we believe is reasonably likely to be sustainable over time under most market conditions. Our regular dividend rate is currently $0.70 per share per quarter, and our Board of Directors has indicated that their current intention is to maintain this quarterly regular dividend rate in 2006. Based on a share price of $41.27 as of February 23, 2006, the indicated yield to shareholders at the regular dividend rate is 6.8%.
If we earn more REIT taxable income than is required to fund the regular dividend, we will likely pay a special dividend in December. We expect our special dividend amount to be highly variable, and we may typically not pay a special dividend every year. We currently are forecasting that we will pay a special dividend at the end of 2006, although we believe the size of this special dividend is likely to be significantly less than the $3.00 per share special dividend we paid in December 2005. Our dividend policies and distribution practices may change over time.
Our dividend distributions for 2005 consisted of 76.709% ordinary income and 23.291% long-term capital gains income. There was no return of capital. Taxable shareholders may benefit from a lower tax rate on the portion of our dividend distributions that consists of capital gains.
10.   We are a growth company.
The amount of real estate loans outstanding and the amount of these loans securitized have grown rapidly over many years. This is a long-term trend that we expect will continue, although there could be a cyclical slowing in the short-run. With competitive advantages in a growing market, we expect over time to have the opportunity to increase the size of our credit-enhancement and related businesses while also improving our book value per share and our average return on equity.
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005   10



Residential Group Overview
Redwood’s residential group credit-enhances securitized residential real estate loans by acquiring and owning first-loss, second-loss, and other credit-enhancement securities. The residential group also invests in other residential assets, including interest-only securities.
The residential group assists Redwood’s CDO group in the selection and management of the residential real estate assets owned by the Acacia CDO securitization entities that Redwood has sponsored.
In addition, the residential group operates as a conduit, acquiring residential real estate loans from mortgage origination companies and selling them for a profit via whole loan sales or via securitization under the Sequoia brand name.
The residential real estate loans we credit-enhance are performing well. Credit losses continue to be minimal. Serious delinquencies remain at low levels, although they rose in the fourth quarter from $283 million to $367 million. As a percentage of current balances, delinquencies rose from 0.14% to 0.20%, in part due to a decrease in the balance of loans we credit-enhance from $195 billion to $184 billion. A portion of the increase in delinquencies is related to damage from the Katrina and Rita hurricanes. The remainder of the increase is largely explained by the normal seasoning pattern of residential loans.
Loans originated in 2005 made up 23% of our total managed portfolio of credit-enhanced residential loans of $184 billion. The 2005-originated loans we credit-enhance are performing well, in a manner consistent with earlier vintages at a similar point in their seasoning cycle.
Our pace of new acquisitions of residential credit enhancement securities that we hold at Redwood as permanent assets has slowed — we acquired $29 million in the third quarter of 2005, $46 million in the fourth quarter, and $9 million in the first quarter of 2006 through February 23. This is a result of weaker underwriting standards, lower volumes of high-quality origination and securitization, and acquisition prices that are not particularly attractive for some products. In addition, our current capital utilization plan limits our current pace of asset acquisition so that we can maintain excess cash balances in order to be able to take advantage of future opportunities.
Historically, we have credit-enhanced and securitized high-quality residential real estate loans. We have always felt the better balance of risk and reward was in the prime quality sector of the market, given the structure of securitizations, the historical track record (or lack of historical track record) for different types of loans, and the pricing of credit-enhancement business.
If we enter a period of sustained housing weakness over the next few years, we believe we may have opportunities to acquire distressed assets at attractive prices. In addition, underwriting standards, relative risk pricing, and securitization structuring for new credit-enhancement activities could eventually shift in favor of medium or lower-quality loans. We are initiating activities now in anticipation of expanding our credit criteria in the future should attractive opportunities arise. For example, in January 2006 we sponsored the securitization of a pool of Alt-A loans (although we did not retain any of the assets).
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005   11



Residential Group Metrics
Chart 1: Residential Total Managed Portfolio
Ø  We estimate that we credit-enhance 1 in 10 jumbo loans.
Ø  We estimate that we credit-enhance almost 1 in 5 higher quality private-label securitized loans (most of which are jumbo loans).
Chart 2: Residential CES Portfolio by Loan Type (as of 4Q 2005, % By Market Value)
Ø  Total permanent asset market value = $330 million.
Ø  CES backed by negative amortization ARMs have become a larger part of our portfolio over the past 18 months.
Ø  $75 million, or 23%, of our total residential CES permanent assets were purchased from Sequoia securitizations we sponsored.
Chart 3: Residential CES Portfolio by Credit Quality (as of 4Q 2005, % of market value)
Ø  Total market value = $330 million.
Ø  The majority of the loans we credit-enhance are prime-quality loans.
 8% of the market value of our CES portfolio are interests in transactions backed primarily by Alt-A quality loans (although transactions designated as prime quality do contain some Alt-A loans).
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005    



Residential Group Metrics
Chart 4: Residential Permanent Assets By Market Value
Ø  We sold $201 million of residential CES in 2005.
The paying down of the loans underlying interest-only (“IO”) securities, combined with a decline in value as a result of accelerated prepayments, contributed to an overall reduction in our IO portfolio. We acquired these IOs from Sequoia securitizations we sponsored.
Ø  Residential assets made up 65% of Redwood’s permanent assets at December 31, 2005.
Source: MBA National Delinquency Survey, Redwood Trust
Note:   Seriously delinquent loans (over 90 days, in foreclosure, in bankruptcy, or real estate owned) as a percentage of current balance.
Chart 5: Seriously Delinquent Loan %
Ø  Strong credit performance — delinquencies continue to be benign and significantly better than the industry.
Ø  Delinquencies in our portfolio rose in the fourth quarter of 2005, but are still far below national averages.
Chart 6: Prepayment History for Credit-Enhancement Portfolio
Ø  The flattening of the yield curve has contributed to acceleration of prepayments on ARMs.
Ø  Higher overall interest rates have slowed prepayments for fixed rate products.
Ø  Faster prepayments benefit our credit-enhancement assets, but harm returns from IOs.
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005   13



Commercial Group Overview
The commercial group credit-enhances securitized commercial real estate loans by acquiring and owning first-loss and other commercial credit-enhancement securities. The commercial group also invests in other commercial mortgage-backed securities (“CMBS”), commercial real estate loans, and related commercial assets. The commercial group assists Redwood’s CDO group in the selection and management of the commercial real estate assets owned by the Acacia CDO securitization entities Redwood sponsors.
Commercial real estate fundamentals continue to show year-over-year improvement for most property types in many parts of the country. Contributing to this performance are lower interest rates, strong GDP growth, rising employment, and increasing new building construction costs. We believe commercial real estate should continue to perform reasonably well in the next few years, barring any unexpected external events.
The increase in commercial property values and cash flows does not mean the credit-enhancement business is risk-free. Property values are high, and they could be vulnerable in a less favorable environment. Due to competition from loan originators, property owners can now obtain higher leverage on their properties compared to what used to be acceptable. In addition, an increasing number of loans are being written as interest-only loans, with no principal payments required of the borrower until maturity. On the whole, even though commercial properties are largely healthy, we believe the risks of credit-enhancing commercial loans are increasing.
As a result of these increased risk factors, we have turned down an increasing number of new credit-enhancement opportunities. We are taking a cautious approach to this market, and we are patient in waiting for opportunities that fit our conservative credit philosophy. New transactions that pass our credit review standards do exist, however, and we expect to increase our book of commercial credit-enhancement business over time.
The $26 billion of securitized commercial real estate loans we credit-enhanced on December 31, 2005 are performing well. Serious delinquencies were $17 million, or 0.07% of current loan balances. We incurred no credit losses on the underlying loans in 2005. Our other commercial assets are also performing well, including an interest in specialized CMBS re-REMIC securitization that credit-enhances $17 billion of loans, commercial loans, other permanent assets, and assets owned by Acacia.
In anticipation of growth over time, we have added senior staff members who have significant industry experience in CMBS, and we continue to make investments in systems and processes in order to support our future growth.
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005



Commercial Group Metrics
Chart 7: Commercial CES Geographic Distribution
Ø The commercial loans we credit-enhance are diversified geographically.
Chart 8: Commercial Property Type Distribution
Ø Our retail and office exposures are high relative to other common property types (although they are consistent with the CMBS market as a whole). These property types include some large low leverage investment-grade loans on institutional quality real estate, so the actual risk is more balanced across property types.
Chart 9: Commercial CES Collateral Balance
Ø We participated in credit-enhancing 15% of the CMBS issued in 2005.
Ø This chart excludes $17 billion of loans underlying our first-loss interests in a re-REMIC of non-investment grade CMBS.
Chart 10: CMBS Permanent Asset Portfolio
Ø Commercial permanent assets made up 13% of Redwood’s total permanent assets at December 31, 2005.
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005



CDO Group Overview
The Redwood CDO group sponsors re-securitizations of diverse pools of residential and commercial real estate securities and other related assets. These collateralized debt obligations (“CDOs”) are issued under the Acacia brand name. The group manages the underlying pools of assets, earning asset management fees.
As a long-term investment, Redwood typically acquires all or a portion of the Acacia CDO equity securities that absorb the initial credit losses from the pool of securitized assets, and thus act as the credit-enhancement for the other (more senior) CDO securities issued by Acacia.
Since we began sponsoring real estate CDO transactions in 2002, low interest rates, fast prepayments, and an excellent credit environment have given us opportunities to earn attractive returns from owning Acacia CDO equity securities.
The primary determinant of the returns we earn from our Acacia CDO equity investments is the credit performance of the securities Acacia has purchased and the performance of the loans underlying those securities. Credit results have been excellent. Two out of the nine Acacia CDO transactions we have sponsored have been upgraded (by rating agencies Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s), and we may see further upgrades if current credit performance trends continue. Strong credit performance has also produced strong investment results for capital markets investors who purchased the other securities Acacia has issued.
We expect there will continue to be good opportunities to create attractive new investments and build asset management fees for Redwood via the Acacia CDO program. However, credit quality has deteriorated in the residential and commercial new securities issuance markets while the acquisition prices we are being asked to pay for these new assets are often higher than we would like. At the same time, the market for selling CDO securities such as Acacia issues has become more volatile. Nevertheless, we think that Redwood is poised to meet these challenges.
The CDO market is a dynamic one, and we will need to be innovative in order to continue to grow. For instance, we sponsored Acacia’s first CDO backed primarily by commercial real estate securities in the fourth quarter of 2005. We may increase our use of interest rate agreements and other derivatives such as credit default swaps and synthetic asset agreements both as assets and also as hedges for Acacia. We are also considering other product types, partnerships, and strategies that could potentially help us expand our opportunities.
The Redwood Review – 4th Quarter 2005



CDO Group Metrics
Chart 11: CDO Equity Investment
Ø 22% of Redwood’s permanent asset portfolio is now invested in CDO equity securities.
Ø We called Acacia 1 in December 2005.
Ø We sponsored our first predominantly commercial real estate CDO – Acacia CRE1 – in December 2005.
Chart 12: Collateral Composition for Acacia CDO Securitization Entities
Ø Acacia has recently begun to increase its commercial real estate investment activities.
Ø Sub-prime securities purchased in 2004 and 2005 were primarily A-rated and higher.
Chart 13: Acacia Collateral Rating History
    Acacia 2     Acacia 3     Acacia 4     Acacia 5     Acacia 6     Acacia 7     Acacia 8     CRE1  
    May-03     Oct-03     Apr-04     Jul-04     Nov-04     Mar-05     Jul-05     Dec-05  
    45       26       9       6       1       0       1       1  
    0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0  
Positive Watch
    0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0  
Negative Watch
    0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0  
Up/Down Ratio
  45 to 0   26 to 0   9 to 0   6 to 0   1 to 0     N/A     1 to 0   1 to 0
Ø Upgrades of securities owned by Acacia are a sign that Acacia CDO equity may continue to perform well.
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005



Finance Group Overview
Redwood’s finance group is responsible for financial reporting, tax, treasury, balance sheet management, and information technology.
Overall, the fourth quarter was a good quarter from both a GAAP and tax perspective. Our adjusted return on equity was 19.3%. GAAP earnings were $1.68 per share, core earnings were $0.97 per share, and taxable income was $1.66 per share. Please see the following pages for definitions of taxable income, adjusted ROE, and other non-GAAP measures and for reconciliations of these measures to the most comparable GAAP measures.
We expect GAAP, core, and taxable income per share during 2006 will likely continue to decline from fourth quarter levels as a result of a reduced balance of IO securities acquired from our Sequoia program, a higher level of uninvested cash, and lower gains from sales and calls of CES. The CES and IO assets we accumulated several years ago produced extraordinary investment returns. The assets we are acquiring now are more likely, in our opinion, to produce returns that are attractive but not extraordinary.
Our GAAP earnings in 2004 benefited from $59 million of gains from calls, while 2005 earnings benefited from $43 million of gains from asset sales. We do not expect to generate the same level of gain income in 2006 as we are not planning significant asset sales and we have fewer callable assets.
The flatter yield curve (higher short-term interest rates relative to long-term interest rates) and the increase in popularity of negative amortization loans has led to an increase in prepayment rates for adjustable-rate residential loans such as those owned by Sequoia. The annualized constant prepayment rate (CPR) for Sequoia loans was 17% in 2004, 43% in 2005, 51% for the fourth quarter of 2005, and 50% for January 2006.
Through May of 2004, we acquired the interest-only securities (“IOs”) issued by Sequoia entities. These securities earn the spread between the interest income generated by the securitized loans and the interest expense cost of the asset-backed securities issued. The net interest income we earn from our Sequoia-related assets has been declining rapidly. There are three causes for this decline, each of which is exacerbated by faster principal prepayment rates. Within the Sequoia entities, principal payments received are first used to reduce the amount of AAA-rated Sequoia asset-backed securities outstanding. These are the lowest cost ABS issued by Sequoia, so the spread earned by Sequoia IOs narrows as the underlying pool of loans pays down. Principal payments reduce the balance of loans on which Sequoia IOs earn a spread, also reducing our net interest income. Finally, we have unamortized premium balances associated with these loans (as they are consolidated on our GAAP books) and we write these balances off at a faster rate as principal prepayments accelerate. The reduction in net interest income from Sequoia IOs has been one of the major factors in the reduction of our core earnings per share from peak levels.
(continued on next page)
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005



Finance Group Overview
Discussion (continued)
These prepayments have had less of an impact on taxable income than on GAAP earnings due to timing differences. We expect these accumulated timing differences of $30 million at December 31, 2005 to begin to reverse in 2006 and 2007, lowering taxable income in those years.
The yield on our residential credit-enhancement portfolio (as defined for GAAP purposes, including CES owned by Acacia) declined from 18.5% in 2004 to 16.0% in 2005. Yields decreased as many of our more seasoned, higher-yielding assets (higher yielding as a result of several years of strong credit performance and favorable prepayments) were called or sold. Additionally, recently acquired residential CES generally are being carried for GAAP purposes at lower initial effective yields as increased competition has led to higher average acquisition prices and because we are not projecting the same strong credit results or favorable rapid prepayment patterns for these assets.
The yield for this portfolio increased to 17.3% in the fourth quarter of 2005 from 16.6% in the previous quarter because of rising effective yields for some more seasoned individual assets as a result of strong cumulative credit performance and rapid prepayment rates over time. The average yield for this portfolio also rose due to a change in asset mix as we sold lower-yielding second-loss CES while retaining higher-yield first-loss CES.
In general, we expect that our annual GAAP, core, and taxable income will continue to exceed our regular dividend of $2.80 per share, and that we will pay a special dividend in 2006. The amount of the special dividend will likely be significantly less than the $3.00 per share special dividend we distributed in 2005.
Despite our cautious short-term outlook, we remain long-term bulls on residential and commercial real estate due to the fundamentals of growing demand, limited supply, and increasing construction costs. Barring a major real estate collapse, we continue to believe that the most reasonable expectation for our earnings potential is an 11% to 18% average adjusted return on equity measured over a long period of time.
If we reduce our excess cash balances over the next few years by making wise investments, and we start to realize some of the upside potential inherent in our existing assets, then earnings and dividends per share in 2007 and 2008 could increase from 2006 levels.
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005



GAAP Earnings
a) What is This?
Income as calculated under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in the United States.
b) Graph
GAAP Earnings per Share
c) Quarterly Update
Ø Our GAAP earnings were $42 million or $1.68 per share, for the fourth quarter of 2005. In the fourth quarter of 2004, GAAP earnings were $54 million, or $2.22 per share.
Ø Realized gains on sales and calls increased by $5 million from the fourth quarter of 2004 to the fourth quarter of 2005. In the fourth quarter of 2005, we sold $81 million in market value of residential CES for a GAAP gain on sale of $9 million, and also realized $4 million of gains from calls of $8 million in principal value of residential CES.
Ø Net interest income decreased by $17 million, primarily due to lower balances of earning assets (IO balance reduction as a result of prepayments, sales of CES) and higher balances of excess cash.
Ø Yields on the residential CES portfolio (as it is defined for GAAP) have started to increase in the last two quarters, and were slightly higher in fourth quarter of 2005 than the fourth quarter of 2004.
Ø Operating expenses increased by $4 million due to increases in information technology expenditures, headcount, and other expenses. We currently do not expect operating expenses to increase significantly in 2006 compared to 2005. Tax provisions for GAAP purposes were roughly equal in the fourth quarter periods of 2004 and 2005.
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005



Core Earnings
a) What is This?
Core earnings is a profitability measure that highlights earnings that are more likely to be on-going in nature. In calculating core earnings, we start with GAAP earnings and then exclude gains on sale, mark-to-market adjustments, and one time items that are unlikely to be repeated. Table 2 in the Appendix shows a reconciliation of core to GAAP earnings.
b) Graph
Core Earnings per Share
c) Quarterly Update
Ø Core earnings were $25 million, or $0.97 per share, for the fourth quarter of 2005. In the fourth quarter of 2004, core earnings were $46 million, or $1.86 per share.
Ø GAAP earnings of $42 million ($1.68 per share) exceeded core earnings by $18 million. Core earnings does not include $12 million gains from sales of CES and other securities, $4 million gains from calls of CES, $3 million GAAP mark-to-market income on interest rate agreements, and $1 million of GAAP mark-to-market write downs of securities (EITF 99-20).
Ø Core earnings per share comparisons versus prior quarters continue to show a downward trend. We achieved extraordinary earning levels in the last few years but we have not been able to sustain them.
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005



Total Taxable Income
a) What is This?
Total taxable income is a measure of our profitability. It is our pre-tax income as calculated for tax purposes. It includes pre-tax income earned at our parent company and REIT subsidiaries (REIT taxable income) as well as pre-tax income earned in our taxable non-REIT subsidiaries. Total taxable income can differ materially from GAAP earnings. Table 3 in the Appendix reconciles these two profitability measures.
b) Graph
Total Taxable Earnings per Share (Estimated for 2005)
c) Quarterly Update
Ø   Total taxable income was $1.66 per share in the fourth quarter of 2005 and $2.44 per share in the fourth quarter of 2004.
Ø   One of the differences between these two quarters was gain on sale for tax purposes from securitizations we sponsor. These gains were $11 million in the fourth quarter of 2004 but were zero for the fourth quarter of 2005. We expect the residential loan securitization business we conduct through our conduit operations will operate at a breakeven profitability in 2006.
Ø   For the fourth quarter, total taxable income was similar to GAAP earnings of $42 million. GAAP earnings included provisions for income and excise taxes of $4 million that were not included in the pre-tax taxable income calculation. Gains from sales and calls were $6 million lower for tax as our tax basis for assets is generally higher than our GAAP basis.
Ø   The yield we recognize on our Sequoia IO securities would currently be negative due to rapid Sequoia loan prepayments; however, we are not allowed to recognize a negative effective yield on assets for tax purposes. As a result, our cumulative taxable income has been higher by $30 million than it would have been otherwise, and our taxable income over the next few years will be lower by the same amount.
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005



Core Taxable Income
a) What is This?
Core taxable income is a profitability measure that highlights that portion of taxable income that is more likely to be on-going in nature. In calculating core taxable income, we start with total taxable income and then exclude gains on sale, tax deductions created by the exercise of stock options, and one time items that are unlikely to be repeated. Table 4 in the Appendix reconciles core taxable income and total taxable income to GAAP income.
b) Graph
Core Taxable Earnings per Share
c) Quarterly Update
Ø   In the fourth quarter of 2005, core taxable income was $36 million, or $1.44 per share. In the fourth quarter of 2004, it was $40 million, or $1.67 per share.
Ø   Fast prepayment speeds have substantially increased the income we recognized on our CES. If prepayment speeds slow down in the future, we will recognize less income on our CES and income on the IOs will remain approximately the same due to expense deferrals (see discussion under total taxable income).
Ø   Actual realized credit losses reduce taxable income as incurred, in an amount generally equal to the principal loss times our tax basis in the affected CES.
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005



REIT Taxable Income
a) What is This?
REIT taxable income is the primary determinant of the minimum amount of dividends we need to distribute in order to maintain our tax status as a real estate investment trust (REIT). REIT taxable income is pre-tax profit, as calculated for tax purposes, at Redwood Trust and our subsidiaries that have elected REIT tax status. (It does not include taxable income earned at our taxable non-REIT subsidiaries.) Over time, we must distribute at least 90% of our REIT taxable income as dividends. A reconciliation of GAAP income to REIT taxable income appears in Table 3 of the Appendix.
b) Graph
REIT Taxable Earnings per Share
c) Quarterly Update
Ø   For the fourth quarter of 2005, REIT taxable income was $40 million, or $1.59 per share. For the fourth quarter of 2004, it was $50 million, or $2.07 per share.
Ø   REIT taxable income has benefited from substantial gains due to call and sales activity. We expect reduced call and sales activity in 2006.
Ø   Due to increased levels of uninvested capital, REIT taxable income has generally shown a downward trend in recent quarters. We expect this trend to continue until we reinvest our cash proceeds.
Ø   REIT taxable income can be affected by one-time operating events such as stock option exercises (which reduce taxable income by the in-the-money amount of the exercised options).
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005



a) What is This?
Book value per share is the amount of equity capital we have per share of common stock outstanding. There are many different ways that equity capital can be measured. We usually focus on three measures, each of which we believe is useful for a different purpose.
GAAP book value is our common equity as calculated for GAAP purposes. It includes a mark-to-market valuation adjustment for many of our assets. Over time, our GAAP book value per share has been increasing as a result of retention of a portion of our income, increases in the market value of our assets, and sales of stock at prices that exceed book value.
Core book value is reported GAAP book value excluding those mark-to-market adjustments that were not included in our income statements. Core book value more closely reflects historical amortized costs rather than current market values.
Adjusted core book value is core book value less REIT taxable income that we have earned but not yet distributed as dividends. Since as a REIT we will be required to distribute this income, adjusted core book value is a measure that provides one estimate of the amount of equity capital we will have over the long-run in order to generate future earnings.
A reconciliation of GAAP book value to core book value and adjusted core book value appears in Table 8 of the Appendix.
b) Graph
GAAP Book Value per Share
(continued on next page)
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005



Book Value per Share
c) Quarterly Update
Ø   For the year 2005, after declaring $5.80 per share of dividends, GAAP book value per share increased by 4% from $35.78 per share to $37.20 per share.
Ø   For the fourth quarter of 2005, GAAP book value declined by $3.83 per share. The primary cause of the decrease was the declaration of $3.70 per share of dividends during the quarter. Market values of assets also declined.
Ø   At December 31, 2005, core book value was $34.27 per share and adjusted core book value was $32.23 per share. During 2005, core book value and adjusted core book value increased by $2.85 per share and $2.37 per share, respectively.
Ø   At the end of our first quarter of operations in September 1994, GAAP book value was $11.67 per share. Since that time, we have been able to pay $34.63 per share of dividends and have increased GAAP book value by $25.53 per share.
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005



Return on Equity
a) What is This?
We believe return on equity (ROE) is one of the more useful measures of the profitability of our business. ROE is the amount of profit we generate each year per dollar of equity capital. There are numerous ways this could be calculated for Redwood since we monitor a number of different profit measures as well as a number of different measures of equity capital.
GAAP ROE is GAAP earnings divided by GAAP equity.
One interesting aspect to consider about GAAP ROE is that it will decline (all other things being equal) if our assets increase in market value. Many of our assets are marked-to-market through our balance sheet but not our income statement. An increase in asset market value will therefore increase GAAP equity but not our GAAP earnings, thus lowering GAAP ROE. Similarly, a decrease in asset market values will increase our GAAP ROE.
An alternative measure of ROE that may also be useful is Adjusted ROE, by which we mean GAAP income divided by core equity. Core equity excludes those balance sheet mark-to-market adjustments that are not included in our income statement. Only those asset market value changes that are included in our income statement will affect Adjusted ROE.
A reconciliation of GAAP ROE to Adjusted ROE, and of GAAP equity to core equity, appears in Table 8 of the Appendix.
b) Graph
Adjusted ROE
(continued on next page)
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005



Return on Equity
c) Quarterly Update
Ø   GAAP ROE was 17% for the fourth quarter of 2005 and 21% for the year ended December 31, 2005.
Ø   Adjusted ROE was 19% for the fourth quarter and 24% for the year ended December 31, 2005. Adjusted ROE is greater than GAAP ROE due to the appreciation of the market values of assets that are marked-to-market through our GAAP balance sheet. This increases our GAAP equity and thus lowers GAAP ROE.
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005





Discounts and Reserves
a) What is This?
We expect to generate attractive earnings and dividends from our credit-enhancement business if the loans we credit enhance continue to incur very low credit losses.
One way to understand Redwood’s GAAP earnings potential if credit results remain favorable is to look at the balance of purchase discount for our residential and commercial credit-enhancement securities and the balance of credit reserve on the residential loans owned by Sequoia. These balances will become part of GAAP earnings (for the most part, over the next seven years) to the extent they are not diminished by credit losses. This income would be in addition to the coupon income and other income we earn on an on-going basis. (That portion of the purchase discount on CES that is not designated as credit protection is currently being amortized into income, so we are recognizing a portion of our GAAP upside potential in earnings today.)
For tax accounting (which drives our dividend distributions), we cannot take any credit reserves and must amortize the entire purchase discount into taxable income. As a result, effective yields for the recently acquired assets are generally higher today for tax purposes than for GAAP purposes (losses are expensed as incurred). Future differences in the timing of amortizing the discount will depend on the credit performance and prepayment behavior of the assets.
b) Graph
Discounts and Credit Reserves per Share
(continued on next page)
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005





Discounts and Reserves
c) Quarterly Update
  Ø   On December 31, 2005, the net balance of all GAAP premiums and discounts associated with all consolidated residential and commercial real estate loans, securities, asset-backed securities issued, and other assets and liabilities was a net discount balance of $623 million, or $24.79 per share.
  Ø   All premium balances are being amortized into income over time as an expense. A portion of the discount balance is currently being amortized, increasing our reported income. The remainder of the discount balance is not currently being amortized as we expect the principal balance of the related assets will be reduced by future credit losses. If these credit losses do not occur, we will amortize the entire discount balance into income over time.
  Ø   As defined for GAAP, residential credit-enhancement securities had a net GAAP discount balance of $19.16 per share. We are currently estimating that cumulative credit losses will equal $14.11 per share. The remaining balance of $5.05 per share is currently being amortized into GAAP income.
  Ø   Commercial credit-enhancement securities had a net discount balance of $4.87 per share. We are currently estimating that cumulative credit losses will equal $5.64 per share. As a result, we are currently writing down our GAAP basis in these assets over time by a cumulative total of $0.77 per share, creating a net amortization expense for GAAP purposes.
  Ø   GAAP credit reserves on residential loans owned by Sequoia securitizations (and loans held by Redwood for sale to Sequoia) create a discount balance of $0.90 per share. The net premium on these loans, excluding the reserve, is $1.98 per share. For GAAP purposes, these loans are carried on our balance sheet at an effective price of 100.20% of principal value.
  Ø   The net discount balance on all other assets and liabilities was $1.84 per share.
  Ø   Recent sales of residential CES have not reduced our overall net discount and reserve balance per share since we sold primarily second-loss CES that have less of a discount while continuing to acquire first-loss CES.
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005





a) What is This?
As a REIT, we are required to distribute at least 90% of our REIT taxable income each year as dividends. We have a regular dividend rate that is established at a level we believe is reasonably likely to be sustainable. To the extent the REIT taxable income we are required or choose to distribute is greater than our regular dividends distributions, we will make a special dividend distribution towards year-end.
b) Graph
Regular dividends
c) Quarterly Update
  Ø   We declared four regular quarterly dividends of $0.70 per share in 2005 and, in the fourth quarter, declared and paid a special dividend of $3.00 per share. We permanently retained approximately 10% of the ordinary REIT taxable income we earned during 2005, and we intend to declare and distribute the remainder of our 2005 REIT taxable income as dividends by September 2006.
  Ø   Based on our estimates of REIT taxable income during 2005, and the dividends distributed to date, we entered 2006 with $51 million ($2.04 per share) of undistributed REIT taxable income. We also retained 100% of the taxable income that we earned at our taxable REIT subsidiaries in 2005 (after taxes). By retaining a portion of our income, we seek to build equity per share, and thus potential earnings and dividends per share, over time. We anticipate following a similar pattern of retention and distribution in 2006.
  Ø   During 2005, a portion of taxable income was in the form of net capital gains resulting from the sales and calls of some of our residential loan CES. Our income from this activity was long-term capital gain income for tax purposes. Thus, during 2005, 23.291% of our dividends distributed was characterized as a distribution of long-term capital gain income and the remaining 76.709% was characterized as a distribution of ordinary income. Our tax-paying shareholders may benefit to the degree they can take advantage of the lower tax rate on capital gains versus ordinary income.
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005





All companies and analysts do not calculate non-GAAP measures in the same fashion. As a result, certain measures as calculated by the Redwood Trust may not be comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies.
Acacia is the brand name for the collateralized debt obligation (CDO) securitizations we sponsor. The underlying pool of assets for these CDO securitizations consists primarily of investment-grade and non-investment-grade rated securities backed by residential prime, residential sub-prime, and commercial real estate loans. Acacia also owns related assets such as CDO securities issued by other real estate oriented CDOs, corporate debt issued by equity REITs, commercial real estate loans, and synthetic assets derived from commercial real estate assets.
Adjusted core equity (adjusted book value) is not a measure calculated in accordance with GAAP. We have minimum dividend distribution requirements as a REIT. We thus have future payment obligations, but these are not recognized in GAAP accounting until dividends are declared. Cash that we have earned but that we must pay out as dividends is not cash that will be available to us to acquire long-term assets and build our business. So when we try to answer questions such as “how much equity per share do we have available to build our business and to generate dividends in the long-term?” we use adjusted core equity per share. Adjusted core equity is core equity less undistributed REIT taxable income that is still undeclared but that will need to be paid out. A reconciliation of adjusted core equity to GAAP equity appears in the Appendix in Table 8.
Book value is our common equity amount. It can be calculated in a number of ways, one of which is appropriate for GAAP.
CDO equity securities are collateralized debt obligation securities that bear the initial credit losses of the assets owned by the securitization entities. They come in a variety of forms. They serve the same function as first-loss credit-enhancement securities issued from securitizations of residential and commercial real estate loans. Collateralized debt obligations, a type of asset-backed securitization, are usually backed by a pool of heterogeneous assets.
A group that acquires closed loans from originators, accumulates loans over a period of time, and sells these loans, seeking to generate a gain on sale. Sales are usually made via securitization, but also can be done through bulk whole loan sales.
Core earnings is not a measure of earnings in accordance with GAAP. We attempt to strip some of the elements out of GAAP earnings that are temporary, one-time, or non-economic in nature or that relate to the past rather than the future, so that the underlying on-going “core” trend of earnings is more clear, at least in certain respects. We exclude realized gains (and losses) resulting from asset sales and calls from GAAP income. We sell assets from time to time as part of our on-going portfolio management activities. These sales can produce material gains and losses that could obscure the underlying trend of our long-term portfolio earnings, so we exclude them from core earnings. Similarly, we exclude gains from calls of residential credit-enhancement securities, as these are essentially sales of assets that produce a highly variable stream of income that may obscure some underlying income generation trends. GAAP earnings include mark-to-market income and expenses for certain of our assets and interest rate agreements.
(continued on next page)
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005





CORE EARNINGS (continued)
These are unrealized market value fluctuations — we exclude them from core earnings. Similarly, we have issued certain stock options that are “variable” and thus are marked-to-market for GAAP purposes. When our stock price goes up, it is a GAAP expense. When our stock price goes down, GAAP income is created. We exclude this from core earnings. Stock option expenses that stem from FAS 123 and FAS 123R are included in core earnings. Management believes that core earnings provide relevant and useful information regarding results from operations in addition to GAAP measures of performance. This is, in part, because market valuation adjustments on only a portion of the company’s assets and stock options and none of its liabilities are recognized through the income statement under GAAP and thus GAAP valuation adjustments may not be fully indicative of changes in market values on the balance sheet as a whole or a reliable guide to current operating performance. Furthermore, gains or losses realized upon sales of assets vary based on portfolio management decisions; a sale of an asset for a gain or a loss may or may not affect on going earnings from operations. A reconciliation of core earnings to GAAP income appears in Table 2 of the Appendix.
Core equity is not a measure calculated in accordance with GAAP. GAAP equity includes mark-to-market adjustments for certain of our assets and interest rate agreements. Core equity is GAAP equity with mark-to-market gains and losses (“accumulated other comprehensive income”) excluded. It approximates what our equity value would be if we used historical amortized cost accounting exclusively. A reconciliation of core equity to GAAP equity appears in Table 8 of the Appendix.
Core REIT taxable income is REIT taxable income before gains and losses on asset sales and calls, and certain other expenses such as tax deductions for stock option exercises. It represents that portion of our REIT taxable income that may be more on-going in nature. A reconciliation of Core taxable income to GAAP Income appears in to GAAP Income is covered in Table 3 and 4 of the Appendix.
Core taxable income is total taxable income before gains and losses on asset sales and calls and certain other expenses such as tax deductions for stock option exercises. It represents that portion of our total taxable income that may be more on-going in nature. A reconciliation of Core taxable income to GAAP Income is covered in Table 3 and 4 of the Appendix.
Credit-enhancement securities (CES) absorb the initial credit losses generated by a pool of securitized assets. As a result, the more senior securities issued from that securitization are credit-enhanced (have less credit risk). These securities are also referred to as subordinated securities and B-pieces. Our permanent asset portfolio contains first-loss (usually non-rated) and second-loss (usually with a credit rating of single-B) CES securities or their equivalents. The first-loss security takes the initial risk. If losses exceed the principal value of the first-loss security, the second-loss security is at risk. The CDO equity securities we acquire from the Acacia CDO securitization transactions we sponsor function as CES for those transactions. On our GAAP balance sheet, residential credit-enhancement securities includes both permanent assets and also second- and third-loss (usually rated BB) securities that are owned by Acacia and are consolidated on our balance sheet.
Generally Accepted Accounting Principals in the United States.
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005   33





Interest-only securities (“IOs”) are specialized securities that are backed by real estate loans. They receive interest payments calculated as a function of interest payments generated by the underlying loans. Typically, however, IO securities do not have a principal balance and they will not receive principal payments generated by those loans. Interest payments to IO securities usually equal the IO interest rate formula multiplied by a “notional” principal balance. The notional principal balance for an IO is typically reduced over time as the actual principal balance of the underlying pool of real estate loans pays down. Thus, IO cash flows are reduced as time passes and the loans pay down, and IO cash flows are typically reduced more quickly if loan prepayments accelerate. The IO securities that Redwood has acquired in the past from some Sequoia residential securitizations typically earn an interest amount that varies as a function of the remaining principal balance of Sequoia loans and the spread between the yield on the residential loans owned by Sequoia and the cost of the asset-backed securities issued by Sequoia.
Inventory assets are assets that we acquire to hold for several weeks or months that we then sell to a securitization entity. We use a combination of debt and equity to fund inventory assets.
Because of the consolidation of independent securitization entities, it appears from our GAAP consolidated financial statements that Redwood is highly leveraged, with liabilities greater than seventeen times equity. In fact, Redwood has $170 million of debt and $935 million of equity supporting over $1 billion of earning assets at December 31, 2005. We currently only use debt to finance on a temporary basis the accumulation of inventory assets prior to sale to a securitization entity.
Negative Amortization ARMs (Neg Am ARMs, Option ARMs, or MTA ARMs) are monthly adjustable rate mortgages where the borrower can choose between different payment options. One of these options allows the borrower to make a minimum payment. This minimum payment is less than the interest accrued on the mortgage and in this instance the borrower’s loan balance will increase (negative amortization).
We seek to invest in assets that have the potential to provide high cash flow returns over a long period of time to help support our goal of maintaining steady dividends. We typically fund long-term investment assets entirely with equity (i.e., no debt). We refer to the assets we own that meet this criteria as permanent assets. Our permanent asset portfolio includes residential and commercial credit-enhancement securities and similar assets, residential interest-only securities, commercial real estate loans, and CDO equity securities.
Many financial institution analysts use asset-based profitability ratios such as interest rate spread and interest rate margin in their work analyzing financial institutions. Because of our consolidation of securitization entities for GAAP purposes, we believe equity-based profitability ratios are more appropriate for Redwood. Net interest income as a percentage of equity is a useful measure we believe. For operating expenses, we believe a useful measure is the efficiency ratio, or operating expenses as a percentage of net interest income.
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005





Redwood’s debt — the money we have to pay back to a lender — was $170 million at the end of the fourth quarter of 2005. Our GAAP balance sheet shows liabilities of $16 billion because all of the assets and liabilities of the independent securitization entities we have sponsored are consolidated. The liabilities of these entities are shown on our balance sheet as “asset-backed securities issued” — they are not obligations of Redwood Trust.
Redwood earning assets is not a measure calculated in accordance with GAAP. Redwood earning assets totaled approximately $1 billion at the end of 2005. Included in this amount are securities we have acquired from securitizations we have sponsored with a cost basis of approximately $182 million. All of the $16 billion of assets and asset-backed securities liabilities of the securitization entities we have sponsored are shown on our GAAP consolidated balance sheet, even though we do not own these assets and we are not responsible for the payment of these liabilities. For some analytical tasks (such as determining how much financial leverage Redwood carries on its balance sheet) we believe it makes more sense to consider the assets Redwood actually owns and the debt Redwood actually owes rather than including all GAAP assets and liabilities consolidated from securitization entities that are independent of Redwood. A reconciliation of earning assets to GAAP assets appears in Table 6 of the Appendix.
Return on Equity (“ROE”) is the amount of profit we generate each year per dollar of equity capital. Adjusted ROE is GAAP income divided by core equity. Core equity excludes those balance sheet mark-to-market adjustments that are not included in our income statement. Thus, only those asset market value changes that are included in our income statement will affect adjusted ROE. A reconciliation of GAAP ROE to adjusted ROE appears in Table 8 of the Appendix.
Sequoia is the brand name for most of the securitizations of residential real estate loans we have sponsored.
Total Retained and REIT Retained Taxable Income are not measures calculated in accordance with GAAP. Total retained taxable income is the taxable income earned at the REIT after dividend distributions to our shareholders, plus all of the taxable income earned at our taxable REIT subsidiary, less corporate income taxes and excise taxes paid. REIT retained taxable income is the taxable income earned at the REIT after dividend distributions to our shareholders, less corporate income taxes and excise taxes paid. A reconciliation of total retained and REIT Retained Taxable Income to GAAP income is covered in Tables 3 and 4 of the Appendix.
Total taxable income is not a measure calculated in accordance with GAAP. It is the pre-tax income calculated for tax purposes. Estimated total taxable income is an important measure as it is the basis of our dividend distributions to shareholders. Taxable income calculations differ significantly from GAAP income calculations. REIT taxable income is that portion of our taxable income that we earn in our parent company and REIT subsidiaries. It does not include taxable income earned in taxable non-REIT subsidiaries. We must distribute at least 90% of REIT taxable income as dividends to shareholders over time. As a REIT we are not subject to corporate income taxes on the REIT taxable income we distribute. The remainder of our taxable income is income we earn in taxable subsidiaries. We pay income tax on this income and we generally retain the after-tax income at the subsidiary level. We also pay income tax on the REIT taxable income we retain (we can retain up to 10% of the total). A reconciliation of total taxable income and REIT taxable to GAAP income appears in Table 3 of the Appendix.
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005



The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005 Version 2.5   36



Table 1: GAAP Earnings (all $ in thousands, except per share data)
    Q4:2005   Q3:2005   Q2:2005   Q1:2005     Q4:2004   Q3:2004   Q2:2004   Q1:2004     Q4:2003     2005   2004   2003
Redwood and consolidated entities interest income
  $ 234,233     $ 245,735     $ 248,669     $ 236,957       $ 204,834     $ 171,804     $ 144,865     $ 130,158       $ 111,071       $ 965,594     $ 651,661     $ 332,033  
Discount amortization income
    11,936       12,714       8,395       9,316         9,146       9,012       9,077       8,836         10,407         42,361       36,071       37,752  
Premium amortization expense
    (14,451 )     (15,698 )     (10,203 )     (8,082 )       (7,105 )     802       (14,463 )     (11,646 )       (9,948 )       (48,434 )     (32,412 )     (30,163 )
Provision for credit losses
    (877 )     805       1,527       (1,025 )       (1,697 )     (1,528 )     (1,500 )     (2,511 )       (3,268 )       430       (7,236 )     (8,646 )
Total GAAP Interest Income
    230,841       243,556       248,388       237,166         205,178       180,090       137,979       124,837         108,262         959,951       648,084       330,976  
Interest expense on Redwood Trust’s debt
    (3,531 )     (3,845 )     (1,825 )     (2,728 )       (2,560 )     (2,312 )     (2,490 )     (2,571 )       (1,788 )       (11,929 )     (9,933 )     (7,038 )
ABS expenses consolidated from trusts
    (186,457 )     (191,035 )     (191,985 )     (173,182 )       (143,078 )     (108,237 )     (78,809 )     (69,069 )       (67,552 )       (742,659 )     (399,193 )     (183,214 )
ABS issuance expense amortization
    (6,069 )     (5,162 )     (5,386 )     (5,273 )       (4,783 )     (4,197 )     (4,305 )     (3,543 )       (4,333 )       (21,890 )     (16,828 )     (12,805 )
ABS interest agreement expense
    3,573       623       876       1,469         606       (2,888 )     (5,988 )     (4,965 )       (2,358 )       6,541       (13,235 )     (8,175 )
ABS issuance premium amortization income
    2,793       2,733       3,140       3,747         2,644       2,823       1,233       571         7,437         12,413       7,271       8,371  
Total consolidated ABS expense
    (186,160 )     (192,841 )     (193,355 )     (173,239 )       (144,611 )     (112,499 )     (87,869 )     (77,006 )       (66,806 )       (745,595 )     (421,985 )     (195,823 )
GAAP net interest income
    41,150       46,870       53,208       61,199         58,007       65,279       47,620       45,260         39,668         202,427       216,166       128,115  
Fixed compensation expense
    (2,879 )     (2,802 )     (2,623 )     (2,778 )       (2,009 )     (1,959 )     (1,842 )     (2,230 )       (1,641 )       (11,082 )     (8,040 )     (5,948 )
Variable compensation expense
    (4,624 )     (4,304 )     (4,824 )     (4,279 )       (2,908 )     (3,443 )     (4,722 )     (4,022 )       (3,575 )       (18,031 )     (15,095 )     (16,686 )
Fair value of stock options granted
    (406 )     47       (348 )     (370 )       (299 )     (133 )     (547 )     (310 )       (388 )       (1,077 )     (1,289 )     (388 )
Other operating expense
    (4,268 )     (3,866 )     (3,179 )     (3,322 )       (2,565 )     (2,512 )     (1,781 )     (1,735 )       (2,076 )       (14,635 )     (8,593 )     (7,018 )
Operating expenses
    (12,177 )     (10,925 )     (10,974 )     (10,749 )       (7,781 )     (8,047 )     (8,892 )     (8,297 )       (7,680 )       (44,825 )     (33,017 )     (30,040 )
Excise taxes
    (280 )     (285 )     (308 )     (307 )       165       (301 )     (190 )     (300 )       (341 )       (1,180 )     (626 )     (1,203 )
Variable stock option market value change
    25       16       (2 )     84         3       (213 )     621       (1,429 )       (2,701 )       123       (1,018 )     (5,652 )
Total GAAP operating expenses
    (12,432 )     (11,194 )     (11,284 )     (10,972 )       (7,613 )     (8,561 )     (8,461 )     (10,026 )       (10,722 )       (45,882 )     (34,661 )     (36,895 )
Realized gains on calls
    4,266       2,914       4,421       7,548         11,205       20,472       15,246       11,816         47,562         19,149       58,739       56,560  
Realized gains on sales
    11,654       23,053       516       8,347               488       971       6,180         46         43,570       7,639       870  
Loss on repurchase of ABS issued
                                                        (2,160 )                   (2,160 )
Valuation write-downs for EITF 99-20
    (1,111 )     (1,158 )     (1,710 )     (391 )       (1,573 )     (421 )     (3,846 )     (558 )       (2,818 )       (4,370 )     (6,398 )     (7,646 )
Interest rate agreements valuation adjustments
    3,066       107       (182 )     (492 )       (411 )     47       (113 )     (1 )       19         2,499       (478 )     (448 )
Valuation adjustments on real estate loans
                              (375 )                         (500 )             (375 )     (500 )
Net gains and valuation adjustments
    17,875       24,916       3,045       15,012         8,846       20,586       12,258       17,437         42,149         60,848       59,127       46,676  
Dividends on and earnings allocated to preferred stock
                                                                            (696 )
Deferred tax benefit
                                          5,180                             5,180        
Provision for income taxes
    (4,097 )     (4,693 )     (4,054 )     (4,677 )       (4,826 )     (4,962 )     (1,509 )     (1,880 )       (1,162 )       (17,521 )     (13,177 )     (5,502 )
GAAP Net Income
  $ 42,496     $ 55,899     $ 40,915     $ 60,562       $ 54,414     $ 72,342     $ 55,088     $ 50,791       $ 69,933       $ 199,872     $ 232,635     $ 131,698  
Diluted average shares (000)
    25,311       25,314       25,196       25,021         24,491       22,728       21,325       20,399         19,801         25,121       22,229       18,812  
GAAP earnings per share
  $ 1.68     $ 2.21     $ 1.62     $ 2.42       $ 2.22     $ 3.18     $ 2.58     $ 2.49       $ 3.53       $ 7.96     $ 10.47     $ 7.04  
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005   APPENDIX — Table 1 — GAAP Earnings   A-1



Table 2: Core Earnings (all $ in thousands, except per share data)
    Q4:2005     Q3:2005     Q2:2005     Q1:2005       Q4:2004     Q3:2004     Q2:2004     Q1:2004       Q4:2003       2005     2004     2003  
GAAP income items not included in CORE
Variable stock option market value change
  $ 25     $ 16   ( $ 2 )   $ 84       $ 3   ( $ 213 )   $ 621   ( $ 1,429 )     ( $ 2,701 )     $ 123   ( $ 1,018 )  ( $ 5,652 )
Realized gains on calls of residential CES
    4,266       2,914       4,421       7,548         11,205       20,472       15,246       11,816         47,562         19,149       58,739       56,560  
Realized gains on asset sales
    11,654       23,053       516       8,347         (76 )     489       971       6,255         46         43,570       7,639       870  
Loss on repurchase of ABS issued
                                                        (2,160 )                   (2,160 )
Valuation write-downs for EITF 99-20
    (1,111 )     (1,158 )     (1,710 )     (391 )       (1,572 )     (422 )     (3,846 )     (558 )       (2,818 )       (4,370 )     (6,398 )     (7,646 )
Interest rate agreements valuation adjustments
    3,066       107       (182 )     (492 )       (411 )     47       (113 )     (1 )       19         2,499       (478 )     (448 )
Commercial real estate valuation adjustments
                              (300 )                 (75 )       (500 )             (375 )     (500 )
Net gains and valuation adjustments
    17,875       24,916       3,045       15,012         8,846       20,586       12,258       17,437         42,149         60,848       59,127       46,676  
Deferred tax benefit
                                            5,180                               5,180        
Total GAAP / CORE differences
    17,900       24,932       3,043       15,096         8,849       20,373       18,059       16,008         39,448         60,971       63,289       41,024  
Core earnings
    24,596       30,967       37,872       45,466         45,565       51,969       37,029       34,783         30,485         138,901       169,346       90,557  
GAAP / CORE differences
    17,900       24,932       3043       15,096         8,849       20,373       18,059       16,008         39,448         60,971       63,289       41,024  
GAAP Net Income
  $ 42,496     $ 55,899     $ 40,915     $ 60,562       $ 54,414     $ 72,342     $ 55,088     $ 50,791       $ 69,933       $ 199,872     $ 232,635     $ 131,581  
Per Share Analysis
Variable stock option market value change
  $ 0.00     $ 0.00     $ 0.00     $ 0.00       $ 0.00       ($0.01 )   $ 0.03   ( $ 0.07 )   ( $ 0.14 )     $ 0.00   ( $ 0.05 ) ( $ 0.30 )
Realized gains on calls of residential CES
    0.17       0.12       0.18       0.30         0.46       0.90       0.71       0.58         2.40         0.77       2.64       3.01  
Realized gains on asset sales
    0.46       0.91       0.02       0.33               0.02       0.05       0.30         0.00         1.73       0.34       0.05  
Loss on repurchase of ABS issued
                                                        (0.11 )                   (0.11 )
Valuation write-downs for EITF 99-20
    (0.04 )     (0.05 )     (0.07 )     (0.02 )       (0.06 )     (0.02 )     (0.18 )     (0.03 )       (0.14 )       (0.17 )     (0.29 )     (0.41 )
Interest rate agreements valuation adjustments
    0.12             (0.01 )     (0.01 )       (0.02 )     0.00             (0.00 )       0.00         0.10       (0.02 )     (0.02 )
Commercial real estate valuation adjustments
                              (0.02 )           (0.01 )             (0.02 )             (0.02 )     (0.03 )
Deferred tax benefit
                                          0.24                             0.24        
GAAP / CORE differences per share
  $ 0.71     $ 0.98     $ 0.12     $ 0.60       $ 0.36     $ 0.89     $ 0.84     $ 0.78       $ 1.99       $ 2.43     $ 2.85     $ 2.19  
CORE earnings per share
    0.97       1.23       1.50       1.82         1.86       2.29       1.74       1.71         1.54         5.53       7.62       4.85  
GAAP / CORE differences per share
    0.71       0.98       0.12       0.60         0.36       0.89       0.84       0.78         1.99         2.43       2.85     $ 2.19  
GAAP earnings per share
  $ 1.68     $ 2.21     $ 1.62     $ 2.42       $ 2.22     $ 3.18     $ 2.58     $ 2.49       $ 3.53       $ 7.96     $ 10.47       7.04  
Diluted average shares (000)
    25,311       25,314       25,196       25,021         24,491       22,728       21,325       20,399         19,801         25,121       22,229       18,812  
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005   APPENDIX — Table 2 — Core Earnings   A-2



Table 3: GAAP / TAX Differences (all $ in thousands, except per share data)
    Estimated                                       Estimated        
    Q4:2005   Q3:2005   Q2:2005   Q1:2005     Q4:2004   Q3:2004   Q2:2004   Q1:2004     2005   2004   2003
GAAP net income
  $ 42,496     $ 55,899     $ 40,915     $ 60,562       $ 54,414     $ 72,342     $ 55,088     $ 50,791       $ 199,872     $ 232,635     $ 131,698  
Interest income and expense differences
    (1,573 )     1,353       (4,868 )     (20,091 )       (7,519 )     (23,527 )     5,208       (1,150 )       (25,179 )     (26,988 )     22,324  
Provision for credit losses — GAAP
    876       (805 )     (1,527 )     1,025         1,697       1,528       1,500       2,511         (431 )     7,236       8,646  
Tax deductions for realized credit losses
    34       (562 )     (737 )     (438 )       (247 )     (127 )     (506 )     (4 )       (1,703 )     (884 )     (825 )
Long-term compensation differences
    1,051       2,892       2,138       1,969         (1,775 )     402       2,428       2,904         8,050       3,959       7,522  
Stock option exercise deduction differences
    (202 )     (2,944 )     (143 )     (477 )       (3,094 )     (745 )     (109 )     (12,073 )       (3,766 )     (16,021 )     (2,483 )
Depreciation of fixed asset differences
    168       60       166       151         (176 )     (589 )     46       (6 )       545       (725 )     (686 )
Other operating expense differences
    (781 )     283       (31 )     69         (2,495 )     (34 )     5       (16 )       (460 )     (2,540 )     885  
Sale of assets to third parties differences
    (4,612 )     (8,041 )     (2,476 )     (967 )       1,428       (576 )     (536 )     (566 )       (16,096 )     (250 )     (69 )
Call income of residential CES differences
    (1,505 )     (319 )     120       (2,324 )       (2,872 )     (3,961 )     (2,157 )     (1,899 )       (4,028 )     (10,889 )     (8,402 )
Tax gain on securitizations
          (392 )     808       2,558         10,749       11,153       10,303               2,974       32,205        
Tax gain on intercompany sales and transfers
    (473 )     170       2,371       3,260         3,256       28       (71 )     7,546         5,328       10,759       2,823  
GAAP market valuation write downs (EITF 99-20)
    1,110       2,048       820       391         1,572       422       3,846       558         4,369       6,398       7,646  
Interest rate agreements differences
    707       216       53       202         (688 )     (278 )     502       50         1,178       (414 )     (229 )
Provision for excise tax — GAAP
    280       285       308       307         (165 )     301       190       300         1,180       626       1,203  
Provision for income tax differences
    4,096       5,013       3,035       134         4,827       2,834       (3,672 )     1,881         12,278       5,870       5,502  
Preferred dividend — GAAP
Total taxable income (pre-tax)
    41,672       55,156       40,952       46,331         58,912       59,173       72,065       50,827         184,111       240,977       176,251  
Earnings from taxable subsidiaries
    (1,703 )     (8,038 )     (1,715 )     (1,170 )       (8,903 )     (10,143 )     (11,721 )     (8,337 )       (12,626 )     (39,104 )     (7,861 )
REIT taxable income (pre-tax)
  $ 39,969     $ 47,118     $ 39,237     $ 45,161       $ 50,009     $ 49,030     $ 60,344     $ 42,490       $ 171,485     $ 201,873     $ 168,390  
Shares outstanding at period end (000)
    25,133       24,764       24,647       24,514         24,154       23,346       21,511       19,796         25,133       24,154       19,063  
Total taxable income per share
  $ 1.66     $ 2.23     $ 1.66     $ 1.89       $ 2.44     $ 2.53     $ 3.35     $ 2.57       $ 7.44     $ 10.89     $ 9.64  
REIT taxable income per share
  $ 1.59     $ 1.90     $ 1.59     $ 1.84       $ 2.07     $ 2.10     $ 2.81     $ 2.15       $ 6.93     $ 9.12     $ 9.21  
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005   APPENDIX — Table 3 — GAAP-Tax Diff   A-3



Table 4: Taxable Income Estimates (all $ in thousands, except per share data)
    Estimated                                         Estimated              
    Q4:2005     Q3:2005     Q2:2005     Q1:2005       Q4:2004     Q3:2004     Q2:2004     Q1:2004       2005     2004     2003  
Taxable income in taxable subs (pre-tax)
  $ 1,703     $ 8,038     $ 1,715     $ 1,170       $ 8,903     $ 10,143     $ 11,721     $ 8,337       $ 12,626     $ 39,104     $ 7,861  
REIT taxable income (pre-tax)
    39,969       47,118       39,237       45,161         50,009       49,030       60,344       42,490         171,485       201,873       168,390  
Total taxable income (pre-tax)
  $ 41,672     $ 55,156     $ 40,952     $ 46,331       $ 58,912     $ 59,173     $ 72,065     $ 50,827       $ 184,111     $ 240,977     $ 176,251  
Core income (loss) in taxable subs (pre-tax)
  $ (436 )   $ 7,931     $ (611 )   $ (1,996 )     $ (2,185 )   $ (1,275 )   $ 1,741     $ 910       $ 4,888     $ (809 )   $ 7,192  
Income from calls and sales in taxable subs (pre-tax)
    2,139       107       2,326       3,166         11,088       11,418       9,980       7,427         7,738       39,913       669  
Taxable income in taxable subs (pre-tax)
    1,703       8,038       1,715       1,170         8,903       10,143       11,721       8,337         12,626       39,104       7,861  
Income tax for taxable subs (actual tax due)
    (572 )     (3,652 )     (870 )     (830 )       (5,773 )     (4,574 )     (1,600 )     (1,150 )       (5,924 )     (13,097 )     (873 )
After-tax income in taxable subs
  $ 1,131     $ 4,386     $ 845     $ 340       $ 3,130     $ 5,569     $ 10,121     $ 7,187       $ 6,702     $ 26,007     $ 6,988  
Core REIT taxable income
  $ 36,660     $ 33,065     $ 36,198     $ 30,741       $ 42,544     $ 34,272     $ 47,040     $ 39,708       $ 136,664     $ 163,564     $ 128,522  
Other ordinary REIT taxable income (expense)
    865       (2,160 )     3,166       (565 )       (3,094 )     (745 )     (109 )     (12,073 )       1,306       (16,021 )     (5,477 )
Other ordinary REIT taxable income (expense)
    37,525       30,905       39,364       30,176         39,450       33,527       46,931       27,635         137,970       147,543       123,045  
Net long-term capital gain REIT taxable income
    2,444       16,213       (127 )     14,985         10,559       15,503       13,413       14,855         33,515       54,330       45,345  
REIT taxable income (pre-tax)
  $ 39,969     $ 47,118     $ 39,237     $ 45,161       $ 50,009     $ 49,030     $ 60,344     $ 42,490       $ 171,485     $ 201,873     $ 168,390  
Total core taxable income
  $ 36,225     $ 40,996     $ 35,587     $ 28,745       $ 40,359     $ 32,997     $ 48,781     $ 40,618       $ 141,553     $ 162,755     $ 135,714  
Income from calls, sales and stock option exercises
    5,447       14,160       5,365       17,586         18,553       26,176       23,284       10,209         42,558       78,222       40,537  
Total taxable income (pre-tax)
  $ 41,672     $ 55,156     $ 40,952     $ 46,331       $ 58,912     $ 59,173     $ 72,065     $ 50,827       $ 184,111     $ 240,977     $ 176,251  
REIT taxable income (pre-tax)
  $ 39,969     $ 47,118     $ 39,237     $ 45,161       $ 50,009     $ 49,030     $ 60,344     $ 42,490       $ 171,485     $ 201,873     $ 168,390  
Excise taxes due to deferrals
    (280 )     (285 )     (308 )     (307 )       293       (301 )     (190 )     (300 )       (1,180 )     (498 )     (1,305 )
Income taxes due to earnings retention (actual tax due)
    (1,230 )     (1,641 )     (1,830 )     (1,450 )       14       (1,537 )     (2,151 )     (1,267 )       (6,151 )     (4,941 )     (5,619 )
REIT taxable income available for distribution
  $ 38,460     $ 45,192     $ 37,099     $ 43,404       $ 50,316     $ 47,192     $ 58,003     $ 40,923       $ 164,154     $ 196,434     $ 161,466  
After-tax income in taxable subs
    1,131       4,386       845       340         3,130       5,569       10,121       7,187         6,702       26,007       6,988  
REIT taxable income available for distribution
    38,460       45,192       37,099       43,404         50,316       47,192       58,003       40,923         164,155       196,434       161,466  
Total taxable income (after-tax)
  $ 39,591     $ 49,578     $ 37,944     $ 43,744       $ 53,446     $ 52,761     $ 68,124     $ 48,110       $ 170,857     $ 222,441     $ 168,454  
Regular dividend per share
  $ 0.70     $ 0.70     $ 0.70     $ 0.70       $ 0.67     $ 0.67     $ 0.67     $ 0.67       $ 2.80     $ 2.68     $ 3.36  
Special dividend per share
    3.00                           5.50                   0.50         3.00       6.00       4.75  
Total dividends per share
  $ 3.70     $ 0.70     $ 0.70     $ 0.70       $ 6.17     $ 0.67     $ 0.67     $ 1.17       $ 5.80     $ 8.68     $ 8.11  
Shares at period end (000)
    25,133       24,764       24,647       24,514         24,154       23,346       21,511       19,796         25,133       24,154       19,063  
Dividends declared
  $ 92,150     $ 17,335     $ 17,253     $ 17,160       $ 146,707     $ 15,642     $ 14,412     $ 23,162       $ 143,898     $ 199,923     $ 137,435  
Dividend deduction on stock issued through DRIP
    263       128       112       56         1,048       844       712       655         559       3,259       1,161  
Total dividend deductions
  $ 92,413     $ 17,463     $ 17,365     $ 17,216       $ 147,755     $ 16,486     $ 15,124     $ 23,817       $ 144,457     $ 203,182     $ 138,596  
Taxable income (after-tax) retained in tax subs
  $ 1,131     $ 4,386     $ 845     $ 340       $ 3,130     $ 5,569     $ 10,121     $ 7,187       $ 6,702     $ 26,007     $ 6,988  
REIT retained taxable income (after-tax) (1)
    1,553       1,165       1,798       1,261         4,252       1,515       2,352       1,197         5,777       9,315       5,381  
Total retained taxable earnings (after-tax)
  $ 2,684     $ 5,551     $ 2,643     $ 1,601       $ 7,382     $ 7,084     $ 12,473     $ 8,384       $ 12,479     $ 35,322     $ 12,369  
Per share outstanding at quarter end
Core taxable income (pre-tax)
  $ 1.44     $ 1.66     $ 1.44     $ 1.17       $ 1.67     $ 1.41     $ 2.27     $ 2.05       $ 5.71     $ 7.40     $ 7.49  
REIT taxable income (pre-tax)
  $ 1.59     $ 1.90     $ 1.59     $ 1.84       $ 2.07     $ 2.10     $ 2.81     $ 2.15       $ 6.93     $ 9.12     $ 9.21  
Total taxable income (pre-tax)
  $ 1.66     $ 2.23     $ 1.66     $ 1.89       $ 2.44     $ 2.53     $ 3.35     $ 2.57       $ 7.44     $ 10.89     $ 9.64  
Total retained taxable earnings (after-tax)
  $ 0.11     $ 0.22     $ 0.11     $ 0.07       $ 0.31     $ 0.30     $ 0.58     $ 0.42       $ 0.50     $ 1.61     $ 0.65  
(1)   REIT retained taxable income equals 10% of ordinary REIT taxable income less income taxes and excise taxes.
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005   APPENDIX — Table 4 — Tax. Inc.   A-4



Table 5: Retention and Distribution of Taxable Income (all $ in thousands, except per share data)
    Estimated                                       Estimated        
    Q4:2005   Q3:2005   Q2:2005   Q1:2005     Q4:2004   Q3:2004   Q2:2004   Q1:2004     2005   2004   2003
Undistributed beginning of period REIT taxable income (pre-tax):
  $ 106,719     $ 80,166     $ 62,218     $ 37,291       $ 138,981     $ 109,790     $ 69,263     $ 53,354       $ 37,291     $ 53,354     $ 35,865  
REIT taxable income (pre-tax)
    39,970       47,118       39,237       45,161         50,009       49,030       60,344       42,490         171,486       201,873       168,390  
Permanently retained (pre-tax)
    (3,063 )     (3,102 )     (3,924 )     (3,018 )       (3,944 )     (3,353 )     (4,693 )     (2,764 )       (13,107 )     (14,754 )     (12,305 )
Dividend of 2002 income
                                                                    (35,865 )
Dividend of 2003 income
                                    (14,413 )     (15,124 )     (23,817 )             (53,354 )     (102,731 )
Dividend of 2004 income
          (2,710 )     (17,365 )     (17,216 )       (147,755 )     (2,073 )                   (37,291 )     (149,828 )      
Dividend of 2005 income
    (92,413 )     (14,753 )                                             (107,166 )            
Undistributed REIT end of period taxable income (pre-tax):
  $ 51,213     $ 106,719     $ 80,166     $ 62,218       $ 37,291     $ 138,981     $ 109,790     $ 69,263       $ 51,213     $ 37,291     $ 53,354  
Shares outstanding at period end
    25,133       24,764       24,647       24,514         24,154       23,346       21,511       19,796         25,133       24,154       19,063  
Undistributed REIT taxable income (pre-tax) per share outstanding
  $ 2.04     $ 4.31     $ 3.25     $ 2.54       $ 1.54     $ 5.95     $ 5.10     $ 3.50       $ 2.04     $ 1.54     $ 2.80  
Undistributed REIT taxable income (pre-tax)
From 2003’s income
                                          14,413       29,537                     53,354  
From 2004’s income
                2,710       20,075         37,291       138,981       95,377       39,726               37,291        
From 2005’s income
    51,213       106,716       77,456       42,143                                   51,213              
  $ 51,213     $ 106,716     $ 80,166     $ 62,218       $ 37,291     $ 138,981     $ 109,790     $ 69,263       $ 51,213     $ 37,291     $ 53,354  
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005   APPENDIX — Table 5 — Ret. Tax. Inc.   A-5



Table 6: Assets (all $ in millions)
    Q4:2005   Q3:2005   Q2:2005   Q1:2005     Q4:2004   Q3:2004   Q2:2004   Q1:2004     Q4:2003
Residential loans owned by Redwood
  $ 45     $ 17     $ 300     $ 256       $ 193     $ 259     $ 161     $ 97       $ 43  
Residential loans consolidated from entities
    13,649       16,324       19,083       21,237         22,015       21,299       19,755       17,989         16,196  
Total GAAP residential loans
    13,694       16,341       19,383       21,493         22,208       21,558       19,916       18,086         16,239  
HELOC loans owned by Redwood
HELOC loans consolidated from entities
    181       215       247       279         296       317       327                
Total GAAP HELOC loans
    181       215       247       279         296       317       327                
Commercial loans owned by Redwood
    7       21       16       22         32       21       25       14         14  
Commercial loans consolidated from entities
    53       35       26       35         22       12       8       8         9  
Total GAAP commercial loans
    60       56       42       57         54       33       33       22         23  
Residential CES owned by Redwood
    311       338       469       373         351       327       312       256         251  
Residential CES consolidated from entities
    302       326       237       238         211       170       131       119         128  
Total GAAP residential CES
    613       664       706       611         562       497       443       375         379  
Commercial CES owned by Redwood
    58       44       29       29         14       9       2       2          
Commercial CES consolidated from entities
Total GAAP Commercial CES
    58       44       29       29         14       9       2       2          
Other securities owned by Redwood
    167       234       208       70         115       161       213       237         167  
Other securities consolidated from entities
    1,582       1,549       1,441       1,435         1,266       1,069       881       698         678  
Total GAAP other securities
    1,749       1,783       1,649       1,505         1,381       1,230       1,094       935         845  
Cash owned by Redwood
    176       163       72       65         57       76       38       58         58  
Restricted cash consolidated from entities
    72       59       48       58         36       45       20       14         22  
Accrued interest receivable
    76       80       85       82         72       62       49       44         40  
Principal receivable
          2                     3       1       12               13  
Interest rate agreements
    31       25       13       29         16       10       17       1         2  
Deferred tax asset
    5       8       7       8         11       9       5                
Deferred asset-backed security issuance costs
    54       56       59       63         61       58       53       47         44  
Other assets
    8       9       6       6         7       7       7       6         5  
Total GAAP assets
  $ 16,777     $ 19,505     $ 22,346     $ 24,285       $ 24,778     $ 23,912     $ 22,016     $ 19,590       $ 17,670  
Residential loans owned by Redwood
  $ 45     $ 17     $ 300     $ 256       $ 193     $ 259     $ 161     $ 97       $ 43  
HELOC loans owned by Redwood
Commercial loans owned by Redwood
    7       21       16       22         32       21       25       14         14  
Residential CES owned by Redwood
    311       338       469       373         351       327       312       256         251  
Commercial CES owned by Redwood
    58       44       29       29         14       9       2       2          
Other securities owned by Redwood
    167       234       208       70         129       170       215       239         167  
Cash owned by Redwood
    176       163       72       65         57       76       38       58         58  
Assets of securitizations for GAAP
    15,767       18,449       21,034       23,224         23,810       22,867       21,102       18,814         17,011  
ABS liabilities of entities for GAAP
    (15,585 )     (18,238 )     (20,815 )     (23,057 )       (23,630 )     (22,680 )     (20,923 )     (18,630 )       (16,826 )
Redwood earning assets — GAAP basis
  $ 946     $ 1,028     $ 1,313     $ 982       $ 956     $ 1,049     $ 932     $ 850       $ 718  
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005   APPENDIX — Table 6 — Assets   A-6



Table 7: Liabilities (all $ in millions)
    Q4:2005   Q3:2005   Q2:2005   Q1:2005     Q4:2004   Q3:2004   Q2:2004   Q1:2004     Q4:2003
Redwood Trust debt: short-term
  $ 170     $ 162     $ 453     $ 199       $ 203     $ 246     $ 270     $ 278       $ 236  
Redwood Trust debt: long-term
Total Redwood Trust debt
    170       162       453       199         203       246       270       278         236  
ABS issued, consolidated from entities
    15,422       18,049       20,598       22,821         23,383       22,449       20,724       18,458         16,661  
Unamortized IO issuance premium
    143       163       186       202         210       185       161       162         153  
Unamortized ABS issuance premium
    20       25       31       34         37       46       38       10         12  
ABS obligations of entities
    15,585       18,237       20,815       23,057         23,630       22,680       20,923       18,630         16,826  
Accrued interest payable
    41       42       43       38         35       29       22       18         17  
Interest rate agreements
    1       1       3       0         1       7       1       12         4  
Accrued expenses and other liabilities
    28       30       23       26         29       32       28       21         22  
Dividends payable
    17       17       17       17         16       16       14       23         12  
Total GAAP liabilities
    15,842       18,489       21,354       23,337         23,914       23,010       21,258       18,982         17,117  
Common stock and paid-in capital
    825       808       803       795         773       727       625       549         518  
Accumulated other comprehensive income
    74       117       137       125         105       97       111       79         82  
Cumulative GAAP earnings
    681       639       583       542         482       427       355       299         249  
Cumulative distributions to shareholders
    (645 )     (548 )     (531 )     (514 )       (496 )     (349 )     (333 )     (319 )       (296 )
GAAP stockholders’ equity
    935       1,016       992       948         864       902       758       608         553  
Total GAAP liabilities and equity
  $ 16,777     $ 19,505     $ 22,346     $ 24,285       $ 24,778     $ 23,912     $ 22,016     $ 19,590       $ 17,670  
Total Redwood Trust debt
  $ 170     $ 162     $ 453     $ 199       $ 203     $ 246     $ 270     $ 278       $ 236  
GAAP stockholders’ equity
    935       1016       992       948         864       902       758       608         553  
Redwood capital
  $ 1,105     $ 1,178     $ 1,445     $ 1,147       $ 1,067     $ 1,148     $ 1,028     $ 886       $ 789  
Redwood debt to equity ratio
    18 %     16 %     46 %     21 %       23 %     27 %     36 %     46 %       43 %
Debt to capital ratio
    15 %     14 %     31 %     17 %       19 %     21 %     26 %     31 %       30 %
Redwood earning assets
  $ 946     $ 1,028     $ 1,313     $ 982       $ 942     $ 1,040     $ 930     $ 848       $ 718  
Redwood debt
    170       162       453       199         203       246       270       278         236  
Redwood net earning assets (GAAP basis)
  $ 776     $ 866     $ 860     $ 783       $ 739     $ 794     $ 660     $ 570       $ 482  
Equity to earning assets
    99 %     99 %     76 %     97 %       92 %     87 %     82 %     72 %       77 %
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005   APPENDIX — Table 7 — Liabilities   A-7



Table 8: Book Value and Profitability (all $ in thousands, except per share data)
    Q4:2005   Q3:2005   Q2:2005   Q1:2005     Q4:2004   Q3:2004   Q2:2004   Q1:2004     Q4:2003        2005      2004      2003
GAAP equity
  $ 934,960     $ 1,016,065     $ 991,757     $ 948,001       $ 864,156     $ 901,841     $ 757,940     $ 608,122       $ 553,328       $ 934,960     $ 864,156     $ 553,328  
Balance sheet mark-to-market adjustments
    73,731       117,043       137,380       124,784         105,357       96,452       111,221       78,517         82,179         73,731       105,357       82,179  
Core equity
  $ 861,229     $ 899,022     $ 854,377     $ 823,217       $ 758,799     $ 805,389     $ 646,719     $ 529,605       $ 471,149       $ 861,229     $ 758,799     $ 471,149  
Core equity
  $ 861,229     $ 899,022     $ 854,377     $ 823,217       $ 758,799     $ 805,389     $ 646,719     $ 529,605       $ 471,149       $ 861,229     $ 758,799     $ 471,149  
REIT taxable income to be paid as dividends
    51,213       106,716       80,166       62,218         37,291       138,982       109,790       69,263         53,354         51,213       37,291       53,354  
Adjusted core equity
  $ 810,016     $ 792,306     $ 774,211     $ 760,999       $ 721,508     $ 666,407     $ 536,929     $ 460,342       $ 417,795       $ 810,016     $ 721,508     $ 417,795  
Shares outstanding at quarter end
    25,133       24,764       24,647       24,514         24,154       23,346       21,511       19,796         19,063         25,133       24,154       19,063  
GAAP equity per share
  $ 37.20     $ 41.03     $ 40.24     $ 38.67       $ 35.78     $ 38.63     $ 35.24     $ 30.72       $ 29.03       $ 37.20     $ 35.78     $ 29.03  
Core equity per share
  $ 34.27     $ 36.30     $ 34.66     $ 33.58       $ 31.42     $ 34.50     $ 30.06     $ 26.75       $ 24.72       $ 34.27     $ 31.42     $ 24.72  
Adjusted core equity per share
  $ 32.23     $ 31.99     $ 31.41     $ 31.03       $ 29.86     $ 28.55     $ 24.96     $ 23.25       $ 21.92       $ 32.23     $ 29.86     $ 21.92  
Net interest income
  $ 41,150     $ 46,870     $ 53,208     $ 61,199       $ 58,007     $ 65,279     $ 47,620     $ 45,260       $ 39,668       $ 202,427     $ 216,166     $ 128,115  
Net interest income / average core equity
    19 %     21 %     25 %     31 %       30 %     38 %     33 %     36 %       34 %       24 %     34 %     29 %
Operating expenses (before excise and VSOE)
  $ 12,177     $ 10,925     $ 10,974     $ 10,749       $ 7,781     $ 8,047     $ 8,892     $ 8,297       $ 7,680       $ 44,825     $ 33,017     $ 30,040  
Op exp before VSOE/Net interest income
    30 %     23 %     21 %     18 %       13 %     12 %     19 %     18 %       19 %       22 %     15 %     23 %
GAAP net income
  $ 42,496     $ 55,899     $ 40,915     $ 60,562       $ 54,414     $ 72,342     $ 55,088     $ 50,791       $ 69,933       $ 199,872     $ 232,635     $ 131,698  
GAAP net income/average core equity
    19 %     25 %     19 %     30 %       28 %     42 %     38 %     40 %       60 %       24 %     36 %     30 %
Core earnings
  $ 24,596     $ 30,967     $ 37,872     $ 45,466       $ 45,565     $ 51,969     $ 37,029     $ 34,783       $ 30,485       $ 138,901     $ 169,346     $ 90,557  
Core earnings/average core equity
    11 %     14 %     18 %     23 %       23 %     30 %     25 %     27 %       26 %       16 %     26 %     20 %
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005   APPENDIX — Table 8 — Book Value and Profitability   A-8



Table 9: Asset / Liability Matching at December 31, 2005 (all $ in thousands)(1)
            One-   Six-           Non           Total
            Month   Month   Fixed/   Interest           Liabilities
Asset   Asset   LIBOR   LIBOR   Hybrid   Bearing           And
Type   Amount   Liabilities   Liabilities   Liabilities   Liabilities   Equity   Equity
Cash (unrestricted)
  $ 175,885     $ 175,885     $     $     $     $     $ 175,885  
One-Month LIBOR
    5,030,366       5,030,366                               5,030,366  
Six-Month LIBOR
    9,862,192             9,725,039                   137,153       9,862,192  
Other ARM
    269,494       173,616                         95,878       269,494  
Fixed/Hybrid < 1 yr (1)
    71,481                   47,380             24,101       71,481  
Fixed / Hybrid > 1yr
    1,119,868                   602,698             517,170       1,119,868  
Non-Earning Assets
    247,674                         87,016       160,658       247,674  
Total (2)
  $ 16,776,960     $ 5,379,867     $ 9,725,039     $ 650,078     $ 87,016     $ 934,960     $ 16,776,960  
(1)   Projected principal receipts on fixed-rate and hybrid assets over the next twelve months.
(2)   includes assets and ABS liabilities of consolidated securitization entities.
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005   APPENDIX — Table 9 — Asset/Liability Matching   A-9



Table 10: Average Balance Sheet (all $ in thousands)
    Q4:2005   Q3:2005   Q2:2005   Q1:2005     Q4:2004   Q3:2004   Q2:2004   Q1:2004     Q4:2003     2005   2004   2003
Average residential real estate loans
  $ 14,627,880     $ 17,373,023     $ 20,054,970     $ 21,640,501       $ 21,716,898     $ 20,484,287     $ 18,754,200     $ 16,916,295       $ 14,381,270       $ 18,402,001     $ 19,476,842     $ 9,932,961  
Average residential HELOC
    193,707       224,884       257,515       285,142         303,119       323,100       124,053                       240,019       188,254        
Average residential loan CES
    534,420       585,663       550,460       493,412         424,879       368,887       317,235       287,078         272,999         541,224       349,779       275,308  
Average commercial loan CES
    44,109       32,192       25,085       19,255         10,836       7,372       2,075       677                 30,234       5,261        
Average commercial real estate loans
    59,049       47,703       45,214       56,080         39,836       33,461       26,129       22,316         23,464         52,008       30,469       29,473  
Average securities portfolio
    1,743,808       1,687,506       1,548,085       1,423,487         1,267,692       1,141,456       978,014       861,328         709,867         1,601,837       1,062,901       532,683  
Average cash and cash equivalents
    339,379       134,422       124,707       124,685         126,556       101,937       81,450       70,641         116,265         181,259       95,251       87,886  
Average earning assets
    17,542,352       20,085,393       22,606,036       24,042,562         23,889,816       22,460,500       20,283,156       18,158,335         15,503,865         21,048,582       21,208,757     $ 10,858,311  
Average other assets
    806,329       905,906       759,517       520,622         430,219       416,736       327,205       227,634         254,552         749,340       350,847       199,961  
Average total assets
  $ 18,348,681     $ 20,991,299     $ 23,365,553     $ 24,563,184       $ 24,320,035     $ 22,877,236     $ 20,610,361     $ 18,385,969       $ 15,758,417       $ 21,797,922     $ 21,559,604     $ 11,058,272  
Average Redwood debt
  $ 253,302     $ 297,788     $ 216,639     $ 277,423       $ 348,177     $ 404,589     $ 539,231     $ 447,931       $ 410,631       $ 261,322     $ 434,662     $ 363,311  
Average asset-backed securities issues
    16,941,243       19,542,413       22,067,276       23,324,111         22,956,247       21,606,164       19,350,833       17,299,503         14,708,963         20,448,735       20,313,995       10,126,303  
Average total obligations
    17,194,545       19,840,201       22,283,915       23,601,534         23,304,424       22,010,753       19,890,064       17,747,434         15,119,594         20,710,057       20,748,657       10,489,614  
Average other liabilities
    154,823       136,769       111,294       66,188         145,752       64,916       56,424       54,150         79,750         117,597       80,448       41,850  
Average total liabilities
    17,349,368       19,976,970       22,395,209       23,667,722         23,450,176       22,075,669       19,946,488       17,801,584         15,199,344         20,827,654       20,829,105       10,531,464  
Average core equity
    880,329       880,482       840,098       794,866         776,833       695,488       583,875       506,445         469,857         849,257       641,182       443,171  
Average balance sheet mark-to-market adjustments
    118,984       133,847       130,246       100,596         93,026       106,079       79,998       77,940         89,216         121,011       89,317       83,637  
Average total equity
    999,313       1,014,329       970,344       895,462         869,859       801,567       663,873       584,385         559,073         970,268       730,499       526,808  
Average total liabilities and equity
  $ 18,348,681     $ 20,991,299     $ 23,365,553     $ 24,563,184       $ 24,320,035     $ 22,877,236     $ 20,610,361     $ 18,385,969       $ 15,758,417       $ 21,797,922     $ 21,559,604     $ 11,058,272  
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005   APPENDIX — Table 10 — Average Balance Sheet   A-10



Table 11: Balances & Yields (all $ in thousands)
            At period end    
                    Unamortized           Unrealized           For period ended
                    Premium/   Credit   Gain /   Net Book   Average   Interest    
            Current Face   (Discount)   Protection   (loss)   Value   Balance*   Income   Yield
Total Earning Assets (GAAP)
    Q4: 2003     $ 17,657,339     $ 29,495       ($225,947 )   $ 82,600     $ 17,543,487     $ 15,503,865     $ 108,262       2.79 %
    2003       17,657,339       21,354       (217,806 )     82,600       17,543,487       10,858,311       330,976       3.05 %
    Q1: 2004       19,595,182       47,341       (252,587 )     87,874       19,477,810       18,158,335       124,837       2.75 %
    Q2: 2004       21,975,772       57,582       (272,698 )     91,454       21,852,110       20,283,156       137,979       2.72 %
    Q3: 2004       23,883,198       102,744       (356,371 )     90,818       23,720,389       22,460,500       180,090       3.21 %
    Q4: 2004       24,863,331       104,063       (420,757 )     95,396       24,572,723       23,889,816       205,178       3.44 %
    2004       24,863,331       55,841       (372,535 )     95,396       24,572,723       21,208,757       648,084       3.06 %
    Q1: 2005       24,301,644       122,952       (487,952 )     102,711       24,039,355       24,042,562       237,166       3.95 %
    Q2: 2005       22,414,482       103,779       (522,490 )     133,210       22,128,981       22,606,036       248,388       4.40 %
    Q3: 2005       19,625,979       94,058       (551,562 )     98,874       19,267,349       20,085,393       243,556       4.85 %
    Q4: 2005       16,986,581       13,376       (527,213 )     56,542       16,529,286       17,542,352       230,841       5.26 %
    2005       16,986,581       13,376       (527,213 )     56,542       16,529,286       21,048,582       959,951       4.56 %
Residential Real Estate Loans
    Q4: 2003     $ 16,110,748     $ 144,748       ($16,336 )   $     $ 16,239,160     $ 14,381,270     $ 82,727       2.30 %
    2003       16,110,748       144,748       (16,336 )           16,239,160       9,932,961       235,978       2.38 %
    Q1: 2004       17,950,901       154,451       (18,847 )           18,086,505       16,916,295       98,826       2.34 %
    Q2: 2004       19,766,481       169,174       (20,080 )           19,915,575       18,754,200       109,880       2.34 %
    Q3: 2004       21,381,784       197,472       (21,344 )           21,557,912       20,484,287       147,974       2.89 %
    Q4: 2004       22,023,888       207,607       (23,078 )           22,208,417       21,716,898       168,831       3.11 %
    2004       22,023,888       207,607       (23,078 )           22,208,417       19,476,842       525,511       2.70 %
    Q1: 2005       21,307,080       210,375       (24,231 )           21,493,224       21,640,501       194,877       3.60 %
    Q2: 2005       19,202,109       203,480       (22,396 )           19,383,193       20,054,970       203,743       4.06 %
    Q3: 2005       16,176,357       185,814       (20,991 )           16,341,180       17,373,023       191,914       4.42 %
    Q4: 2005       13,541,402       173,299       (20,868 )           13,693,833       14,627,880       175,124       4.79 %
    2005       13,541,402       173,299       (20,868 )           13,693,833       18,402,001       765,658       4.16 %
Home Equity Lines of Credit
    Q4: 2003     $     $     $     $     $     $     $       0.00 %
    2003                                                 0.00 %
    Q1: 2004                                                 0.00 %
    Q2: 2004       317,045       10,043       (267 )           326,821       124,053       536       1.73 %
    Q3: 2004       308,697       9,029       (531 )           317,195       303,119       1,618       2.00 %
    Q4: 2004       288,954       8,087       (693 )           296,348       303,119       2,177       2.87 %
    2004       288,954       8,087       (693 )           296,348       188,254       4,331       2.30 %
    Q1: 2005       272,591       7,477       (596 )           279,472       285,142       2,558       3.59 %
    Q2: 2005       241,278       6,657       (563 )           247,372       257,515       2,467       3.83 %
    Q3: 2005       210,476       5,699       (1,038 )           215,137       224,884       1,696       3.02 %
    Q4: 2005       177,840       4,907       (1,788 )             180,959       193,707       1,475       3.05 %
    2005       177,840       4,907       (1,788 )           180,959       240,019       8,196       3.41 %
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005   APPENDIX — Table 11 — Balances & Yields   A-11



Table 11: Balances & Yields (all $ in thousands)
            At period end    
                    Unamortized           Unrealized           For period ended
                    Premium/   Credit   Gain /   Net Book   Average   Interest    
            Current Face   (Discount)   Protection   (loss)   Value   Balance*   Income   Yield
Residential Loan
Credit-Enhancement Securities
    Q4: 2003     $ 623,692       ($123,329 )     ($200,970 )   $ 79,334     $ 378,727     $ 272,999     $ 17,394       25.49 %
    2003       623,692       (123,329 )     (200,970 )     79,334       378,727       275,308       68,091       24.73 %
    Q1: 2004       634,000       (110,994 )     (216,924 )     68,534       374,616       287,078       15,533       21.64 %
    Q2: 2004       712,908       (121,808 )     (235,535 )     86,674       442,239       317,235       16,077       20.27 %
    Q3: 2004       830,524       (109,367 )     (298,925 )     74,577       496,809       368,887       16,007       17.36 %
    Q4: 2004       933,772       (108,141 )     (342,706 )     78,733       561,658       424,879       16,985       15.99 %
    2004       933,772       (108,141 )     (342,706 )     78,733       561,658       349,779       64,602       18.47 %
    Q1: 2005       978,878       (89,405 )     (365,998 )     87,919       611,394       493,412       19,624       15.91 %
    Q2: 2005       1,103,737       (96,488 )     (404,180 )     103,126       706,195       550,460       19,439       14.13 %
    Q3: 2005       1,052,813       (89,429 )     (382,862 )     84,279       664,801       585,663       24,368       16.64 %
    Q4: 2005       1,035,874       (126,811 )     (354,610 )     58,196       612,649       534,420       23,133       17.31 %
    2005       1,035,874       (126,811 )     (354,610 )     58,196       612,649       541,224       86,564       15.99 %
Commercial Loan
Credit- Enhancement Securities
    Q4: 2003     $     $     $     $     $     $     $       0.00 %
    2003                                                 0.00 %
    Q1: 2004       8,175       2,053       (8,175 )     95       2,148       677       35       20.46 %
    Q2: 2004       8,175       2,084       (8,175 )     10       2,094       2,075       61       11.67 %
    Q3: 2004       26,930       8,456       (26,930 )     686       9,142       7,372       346       18.80 %
    Q4: 2004       45,639       12,883       (45,639 )     1,615       14,498       10,836       233       8.61 %
    2004       45,639       12,883       (45,639 )     1,615       14,498       5,261       675       12.83 %
    Q1: 2005       88,671       25,344       (88,671 )     3,226       28,570       19,255       356       7.40 %
    Q2: 2005       87,210       24,847       (87,210 )     4,549       29,396       25,085       881       14.05 %
    Q3: 2005       138,530       41,127       (138,530 )     2,413       43,540       32,192       453       5.63 %
    Q4: 2005       175,343       19,474       (141,806 )     4,676       57,687       44,109       923       8.37 %
    2005       175,343       19,474       (141,806 )     4,676       57,687       30,234       2,613       8.64 %
Commercial Real Estate Loans
    Q4: 2003     $ 31,180       ($120 )     ($8,641 )   $     $ 22,419     $ 23,464     $ 244       4.16 %
    2003       31,180       (120 )     (8,641 )           22,419       29,473       2,959       10.04 %
    Q1: 2004       31,136       (318 )     (8,641 )           22,177       22,316       701       12.56 %
    Q2: 2004       43,448       (1,261 )     (8,641 )           33,546       26,129       868       13.29 %
    Q3: 2004       43,410       (1,380 )     (8,641 )           33,389       33,461       1,038       12.40 %
    Q4: 2004       65,598       (2,478 )     (8,641 )           54,479       39,836       1,162       11.67 %
    2004       65,598       (2,478 )     (8,641 )           54,479       30,469       3,769       12.37 %
    Q1: 2005       67,365       (2,305 )     (8,456 )           56,604       56,080       1,587       11.32 %
    Q2: 2005       51,778       (1,843 )     (8,141 )           41,794       45,214       1,208       10.68 %
    Q3: 2005       66,348       (2,105 )     (8,141 )           56,102       47,703       1,209       10.14 %
    Q4: 2005       70,091       (2,258 )     (8,141 )           59,692       59,049       1,281       8.68 %
    2005       70,091       (2,258 )     (8,141 )           59,692       52,008       5,285       10.16 %
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005   APPENDIX — Table 11 — Balances & Yields   A-12



Table 11: Balances & Yields (all $ in thousands)
            At period end    
                    Unamortized           Unrealized           For period ended
                    Premium/   Credit   Gain /   Net Book   Average   Interest    
            Current Face   (Discount)   Protection   (loss)   Value   Balance*   Income   Yield
    Q4: 2003     $ 833,252     $ 8,196     $     $ 3,266     $ 844,714     $ 709,867     $ 7,803       4.40 %
    2003       833,252       8,196             3,266       844,714       532,683       23,530       4.42 %
    Q1: 2004       913,104       2,149             19,245       934,498       861,328       9,576       4.45 %
    Q2: 2004       1,089,254       (650 )           4,770       1,093,374       978,014       10,484       4.29 %
    Q3: 2004       1,215,847       (1,466 )           15,555       1,229,936       1,141,456       12,932       4.53 %
    Q4: 2004       1,378,924       (13,895 )           15,048       1,380,077       1,267,692       15,282       4.82 %
    2004       1,378,924       (13,895 )           15,048       1,380,077       1,062,901       48,274       4.54 %
    Q1: 2005       1,522,345       (28,534 )           11,566       1,505,377       1,423,487       17,584       4.94 %
    Q2: 2005       1,656,177       (32,874 )           25,535       1,648,838       1,548,085       19,846       5.13 %
    Q3: 2005       1,818,295       (47,048 )           12,182       1,783,429       1,687,506       22,926       5.43 %
    Q4: 2005       1,810,146       (55,235 )           (6,330 )     1,748,581       1,743,808       26,075       5.98 %
    2005       1,810,146       (55,235 )           (6,330 )     1,748,581       1,601,837       86,431       5.40 %
Cash & Equivalents
    Q4: 2003     $ 58,467     $     $     $     $ 58,467             $ 94          
    2003       58,467                         58,467               418          
    Q1: 2004       57,866                         57,866               166          
    Q2: 2004       38,461                         38,461               73          
    Q3: 2004       76,006                         76,006               175          
    Q4: 2004       126,556                         57,246               508          
    2004       95,251                         57,246               922          
    Q1: 2005       64,714                         64,714               580          
    Q2: 2005       72,193                         72,193               804          
    Q3: 2005       163,160                         163,160               990          
    Q4: 2005       175,885                         175,885               2,830          
    2005       175,885                         175,885               5,204          

The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005   APPENDIX — Table 11 — Balances & Yields   A-13



Table 12: Portfolio Activity (all $ in thousands)
                                    Discount /                   Net Mark-to-    
                            Principal   (Premium)           Net Charge-offs /   Market   Net Increase /
            Acquisitions   Sales   Payments   Amortization   Credit Provision   (Recoveries)   Adjustment   (Decrease)
Residential Real Estate Loans (GAAP)
    Q4: 2003     $ 2,897,863       ($605 )     ($458,957 )     ($9,684 )     ($2,769 )   $ 50     $ 12     $ 2,425,910  
    2003       11,401,367       (73,742 )     (1,266,702 )     (29,615 )     (8,146 )     81       738       10,023,981  
    Q1: 2004       2,321,706       0       (460,334 )     (11,516 )     (2,511 )     0       0       1,847,345  
    Q2: 2004       2,703,443       0       (859,148 )     (13,992 )     (1,233 )     0       0       1,829,070  
    Q3: 2004       2,898,165       (112,811 )     (1,144,320 )     2,078       (1,264 )     0       489       1,642,337  
    Q4: 2004       1,791,951       (865 )     (1,132,854 )     (5,993 )     (1,535 )     176       (375 )     650,505  
    2004       9,715,265       (113,676 )     (3,596,656 )     (29,423 )     (6,543 )     176       114       5,969,257  
    Q1: 2005       832,383       0       (1,539,387 )     (7,036 )     (1,307 )     154       0       (715,193 )
    Q2: 2005       426,806       (3,378 )     (2,526,236 )     (8,937 )     1,494       (34 )     254       (2,110,031 )
    Q3: 2005       332,049       (263,079 )     (3,098,691 )     (13,479 )     1,315       90       (218 )     (3,042,013 )
    Q4: 2005       271,742       (240,987 )     (2,665,727 )     (12,544 )     (128 )     250       48       (2,647,346 )
    2005       1,862,980       (507,444 )     (9,830,041 )     (41,996 )     1,374       460       84       (8,514,583 )
Home Equity Line of Credit
    Q4: 2003     $     $     $     $     $     $     $     $  
    Q1: 2004                                                  
    Q2: 2004       335,044             (7,706 )     (250 )     (267 )                 326,821  
    Q3: 2004                   (8,290 )     (1,072 )     (264 )                 (9,626 )
    Q4: 2004                   (19,743 )     (942 )     (162 )                 (20,847 )
    2004       335,044             (35,739 )     (2,264 )     (693 )                 296,348  
    Q1: 2005                   (16,365 )     (608 )     97                   (16,876 )
    Q2: 2005       127             (31,439 )     (821 )     33                   (32,100 )
    Q3: 2005                   (30,801 )     (959 )     (510 )     35             (32,235 )
    Q4: 2005       133             (32,773 )     (790 )     (749 )                 (34,179 )
    2005       260             (111,378 )     (3,178 )     (1,129 )     35             (115,390 )
Residential Loan Credit-Enhancement Securities
    Q4: 2003     $ 77,367     $       ($116,575 )   $ 10,188     $     $     $ 34,336     $ 5,316  
    2003       148,873       (1,248 )     (216,207 )     37,189                   57,641       26,248  
    Q1: 2004       37,608       (22,416 )     (34,640 )     8,637                   6,700       (4,111 )
    Q2: 2004       75,027             (46,997 )     8,847                   30,746       67,623  
    Q3: 2004       82,918             (44,822 )     8,181                   8,293       54,570  
    Q4: 2004       72,976             (30,900 )     8,443                   14,330       64,849  
    2004       268,529       (22,416 )     (157,359 )     34,108                   60,069       182,931  
    Q1: 2005       67,809       (27,293 )     (23,932 )     8,727                   24,425       49,736  
    Q2: 2005       87,849             (20,400 )     7,775                   19,577       94,801  
    Q3: 2005       57,481       (98,775 )     (18,403 )     11,193                   7,110       (41,394 )
    Q4: 2005       54,664       (81,292 )     (22,468 )     10,456                   (13,512 )     (52,152 )
    2005       267,803       (207,360 )     (85,203 )     38,151                   37,600       50,991  
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005   APPENDIX — Table 12 — Portfolio Activity   A-14



Table 12: Portfolio Activity (all $ in thousands)
                                    Discount /                   Net Mark-to-        
                            Principal   (Premium)           Net Charge-offs /   Market   Net Increase /
            Acquisitions   Sales   Payments   Amortization   Credit Provision   (Recoveries)   Adjustment   (Decrease)
Commercial Loan
Credit-Enhancement Securities
    Q4: 2003     $     $     $     $     $     $     $     $  
    Q1: 2004       2,053                                     94       2,147  
    Q2: 2004       74                   (42 )                 (85 )     (53 )
    Q3: 2004       6,311                   60                   677       7,048  
    Q4: 2004       4,770                   (343 )                 929       5,356  
    2004       13,208                   (325 )                 1,615       14,498  
    Q1: 2005       12,870                   (409 )                 1,611       14,072  
    Q2: 2005                         (346 )                 1,173       827  
    Q3: 2005       17,182                   (902 )                 (2,136 )     14,144  
    Q4: 2005       13,028                   (904 )                 2,022       14,146  
    2005       43,080                   (2,561 )                 2,670       43,189  
Commercial Real Estate Loans
    Q4: 2003     $     $       ($31 )     ($198 )     ($500 )   $       ($500 )     ($1,189 )
    2003       6,442       (774 )     (11,353 )     (298 )     (500 )           (368 )     (6,851 )
    Q1: 2004                   (45 )     (122 )                 (75 )     (242 )
    Q2: 2004       17,066       (2,339 )     (3,233 )     (102 )                 (23 )     11,369  
    Q3: 2004                   (29 )     (128 )                       (157 )
    Q4: 2004       21,305             (83 )     (132 )                       21,090  
    2004       38,371       (2,339 )     (3,390 )     (484 )                 (98 )     32,060  
    Q1: 2005       6,732             (5,267 )     (30 )     185             505       2,125  
    Q2: 2005             (11,192 )     (3,769 )     (99 )                 250       (14,810 )
    Q3: 2005       14,219       (17 )     158       (69 )                 17       14,308  
    Q4: 2005       4,248             (506 )     (152 )                       3,590  
    2005       25,199       (11,209 )     (9,384 )     (350 )     185             772       5,213  
    Q4: 2003     $ 256,588     $       ($17,658 )     ($343 )   $     $     $ 1,042     $ 239,629  
    2003       565,760       (4,051 )     (53,790 )     (547 )                 1,645       509,017  
    Q1: 2004       84,225       (142 )     (9,807 )     (484 )                 15,993       89,785  
    Q2: 2004       192,626       (8,333 )     (10,069 )     (663 )                 (14,686 )     158,875  
    Q3: 2004       144,753             (18,489 )     (146 )                 10,444       136,562  
    Q4: 2004       176,341             (25,189 )     39                   (1,050 )     150,141  
    2004       597,945       (8,475 )     (63,554 )     (1,254 )                 10,701       535,363  
    Q1: 2005       168,337       (12,362 )     (27,070 )     115                   (3,720 )     125,300  
    Q2: 2005       156,182       (3,012 )     (22,333 )     151                   12,472       143,460  
    Q3: 2005       190,160             (41,618 )     566                   (14,517 )     134,591  
    Q4: 2005       169,736       (151,620 )     (38,005 )     907                   (15,865 )     (34,847 )
    2005       684,415       (166,994 )     (129,026 )     1,739                   (21,630 )     368,504  
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005   APPENDIX — Table 12 — Portfolio Activity   A-15



Table 13: Residential Credit Results (all $ in thousands)
                                                                            Losses To   Redwood’s   Total Credit
                    Internally-                   Total Credit   Seriously   Seriously           Securities Junior   Share of Net   Losses As % of
            Underlying   Designated   External Credit   Total Credit   Protection as %   Delinquent   Delinquent Loan   Total Credit   to Redwood's   Charge-   Loans
            Loans   Credit Reserve   Enhancement   Protection (1)   of Loans   Loans   %   Losses   Interest   offs/(Recoveries)   (Annualized)
Total Managed Resi Portfolio
    Q4: 2003     $ 84,243,923     $ 217,306     $ 46,476     $ 263,782       0.31 %   $ 137,978       0.16 %   $ 1,645     $ 357     $ 1,288       <0.01 %
    2003       84,243,923       217,306       46,476       263,782       0.31 %     137,978       0.16 %     4,186       1,003       3,183       <0.01 %
    Q1: 2004       89,312,471       235,771       43,797       279,568       0.31 %     146,055       0.16 %     103             103       <0.01 %
    Q2: 2004       116,871,703       255,615       70,460       326,075       0.28 %     136,654       0.12 %     1,781       75       1,706       <0.01 %
    Q3: 2004       142,967,137       320,269       69,244       389,513       0.27 %     185,023       0.13 %     730       196       534       <0.01 %
    Q4: 2004       148,510,685       365,784       67,650       433,434       0.29 %     163,554       0.11 %     689             689       <0.01 %
    2004       148,510,685       365,784       67,650       433,434       0.29 %     163,554       0.11 %     3,303       271       3,032       <0.01 %
    Q1: 2005       151,434,189       390,229       92,467       482,696       0.32 %     217,159       0.14 %     1,377             1,377       <0.01 %
    Q2: 2005       183,248,239       426,576       141,970       568,546       0.31 %     245,399       0.13 %     740       196       544       <0.01 %
    Q3: 2005       195,243,546       403,853       134,967       538,820       0.28 %     282,850       0.14 %     1,812       220       1,592       <0.01 %
    Q4: 2005       183,727,043       375,478       140,907       516,385       0.28 %     366,934       0.20 %     1,175             1,175       <0.01 %
    2005       183,727,043       375,478       140,907       516,385       0.28 %     366,934       0.20 %     5,104       416       4,688       <0.01 %
Residential Real Estate Loans
    Q4: 2003     $ 16,110,748     $ 16,336     $     $ 16,336       0.10 %   $ 5,419       0.03 %   $ 50     $     $ 50       <0.01 %
    2003       16,110,748       16,336             16,336       0.10 %     5,419       0.03 %     81             81       <0.01 %
    Q1: 2004       17,950,901       18,847             18,847       0.10 %     3,439       0.02 %                       0.00 %
    Q2: 2004       19,766,481       20,080             20,080       0.10 %     5,362       0.03 %                       0.00 %
    Q3: 2004       21,381,784       21,344             21,344       0.10 %     10,785       0.05 %                       0.00 %
    Q4: 2004       22,023,888       23,078             23,078       0.10 %     13,338       0.06 %     176             176       <0.01 %
    2004       22,023,888       23,078             23,078       0.10 %     13,338       0.06 %     176             176       <0.01 %
    Q1: 2005       21,307,080       24,231             24,231       0.11 %     16,066       0.08 %     154             154       <0.01 %
    Q2: 2005       19,202,109       22,396             22,396       0.12 %     16,514       0.09 %     (34 )           (34 )     0.00 %
    Q3: 2005       16,176,357       20,991             20,991       0.13 %     22,956       0.14 %     90             90       <0.01 %
    Q4: 2005       13,541,402       20,868             20,868       0.15 %     35,748       0.26 %     251             251       <0.01 %
    2005       13,541,402       20,868             20,868       0.15 %     35,748       0.26 %     461             461       <0.01 %
Residential Loan CES
    Q4: 2003     $ 68,133,175     $ 200,970     $ 46,476     $ 247,446       0.36 %   $ 132,559       0.19 %   $ 1,595     $ 357     $ 1,238       <0.01 %
    2003       68,133,175       200,970       46,476       247,446       0.36 %     132,559       0.19 %     4,105       1,003       3,102       <0.01 %
    Q1: 2004       71,361,570       216,924       43,797       260,721       0.37 %     142,616       0.20 %     103             103       <0.01 %
    Q2: 2004       97,105,222       235,535       70,460       305,995       0.32 %     131,292       0.14 %     1,781       75       1,706       <0.01 %
    Q3: 2004       121,585,353       298,925       69,244       368,169       0.30 %     174,238       0.14 %     730       196       534       <0.01 %
    Q4: 2004       126,486,797       342,706       67,650       410,356       0.32 %     150,216       0.12 %     513             513       <0.01 %
    2004       126,486,797       342,706       67,650       410,356       0.32 %     150,216       0.12 %     3,127       271       2,856       <0.01 %
    Q1: 2005       130,127,109       365,998       92,467       458,465       0.35 %     201,093       0.15 %     1,223             1,223       <0.01 %
    Q2: 2005       164,046,130       404,180       141,970       546,150       0.33 %     228,885       0.14 %     774       196       578       <0.01 %
    Q3: 2005       179,067,189       382,862       134,967       517,829       0.29 %     259,894       0.15 %     1,722       220       1,502       <0.01 %
    Q4: 2005       170,185,641       354,610       140,907       495,517       0.29 %     331,186       0.19 %     924             924       <0.01 %
    2005       170,185,641       354,610       140,907       495,517       0.29 %     331,186       0.19 %     4,643       416       4,227       <0.01 %
(1)    The credit reserve on residential real estate loans owned is only available to absorb losses on the residential real estate loan portfolio. The internally-designated credit reserves on loans credit enhanced and the external credit enhancement on loans credit enhanced are only available to absorb losses on the residential loan credit-enhancement portfolio. This table excludes the residential home equity lines of credit.
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005
  APPENDIX — Table 13 — Residential Credit   A-16



Table 14: Residential Real Estate Loan Characteristics (at period end, all $ in thousands)
    Dec. 2005     Sept. 2005     Jun. 2005     Mar. 2005       Dec. 2004     Sep. 2004     Jun. 2004     Mar. 2004       Dec. 2003  
Residential Loans
  $ 13,541,401     $ 16,176,357     $ 19,202,109     $ 21,307,080       $ 22,023,888     $ 21,381,784     $ 19,766,481     $ 17,950,901       $ 16,110,748  
Number of loans
    41,253       48,578       56,653       62,059         63,236       60,859       55,679       49,619         43,917  
Average loan size
  $ 328     $ 333     $ 339     $ 343       $ 348     $ 351     $ 355     $ 362       $ 367  
Adjustable %
    99 %     100 %     100 %     100 %       100 %     100 %     100 %     100 %       100 %
Hybrid %
    1 %     0 %     0 %     0 %       0 %     0 %     0 %     0 %       0 %
Fixed %
    0 %     0 %     0 %     0 %       0 %     0 %     0 %     0 %       0 %
    0 %     0 %     0 %     0 %       0 %     0 %     0 %     0 %       0 %
Interest Only%
    100 %     100 %     100 %     100 %       100 %     100 %     100 %     100 %       100 %
    27 %     26 %     25 %     24 %       24 %     22 %     21 %     22 %       23 %
    72 %     74 %     75 %     76 %       76 %     78 %     79 %     78 %       77 %
    1 %     0 %     0 %     0 %       0 %     0 %     0 %     0 %       0 %
Northern CA
    10 %     11 %     12 %     12 %       13 %     13 %     12 %     12 %       12 %
Southern CA
    11 %     11 %     12 %     12 %       13 %     13 %     14 %     13 %       13 %
    12 %     12 %     11 %     11 %       11 %     11 %     11 %     11 %       11 %
New York
    5 %     5 %     5 %     5 %       5 %     5 %     5 %     5 %       6 %
    5 %     5 %     5 %     5 %       5 %     5 %     5 %     5 %       5 %
    5 %     4 %     4 %     4 %       4 %     4 %     4 %     4 %       4 %
New Jersey
    4 %     4 %     4 %     4 %       4 %     4 %     4 %     4 %       5 %
    4 %     4 %     4 %     4 %       4 %     4 %     4 %     4 %       4 %
    4 %     3 %     4 %     4 %       4 %     4 %     4 %     4 %       4 %
    3 %     3 %     3 %     3 %       3 %     3 %     3 %     3 %       3 %
North Carolina
    3 %     2 %     2 %     2 %       2 %     2 %     2 %     2 %       2 %
    3 %     2 %     2 %     2 %       2 %     2 %     2 %     2 %       2 %
Other states
    31 %     33 %     32 %     31 %       31 %     30 %     30 %     31 %       31 %
Year 2005 origination
    6 %     5 %     4 %     3 %       0 %     0 %     0 %     0 %       0 %
Year 2004 origination
    45 %     37 %     37 %     38 %       38 %     32 %     23 %     11 %       0 %
Year 2003 origination
    27 %     39 %     40 %     41 %       42 %     46 %     52 %     60 %       66 %
Year 2002 origination
    18 %     15 %     15 %     16 %       16 %     18 %     21 %     24 %       28 %
Year 2001 origination or earlier
    4 %     4 %     4 %     3 %       4 %     4 %     5 %     5 %       6 %
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005
  APPENDIX — Table 14 — Residential Loans   A-17



Table 14: Residential Real Estate Loan Characteristics (at period end, all $ in thousands)
    Dec. 2005     Sept. 2005     Jun. 2005     Mar. 2005       Dec. 2004     Sep. 2004     Jun. 2004     Mar. 2004       Dec. 2003  
Wtg Avg Original LTV
    69 %     68 %     69 %     68 %       68 %     68 %     68 %     68 %       68 %
Wtg Avg Original Effective LTV
    67 %     67 %     67 %     67 %       67 %     66 %     66 %     66 %       65 %
Original LTV: 0% - 20%
    1 %     1 %     1 %     1 %       1 %     1 %     1 %     1 %       1 %
Original LTV: 20% - 30%
    1 %     2 %     2 %     2 %       2 %     2 %     2 %     2 %       2 %
Original LTV: 30% - 40%
    4 %     4 %     4 %     4 %       4 %     4 %     4 %     5 %       5 %
Original LTV: 40% - 50%
    7 %     8 %     7 %     7 %       7 %     8 %     8 %     8 %       8 %
Original LTV: 50% - 60%
    11 %     11 %     11 %     11 %       12 %     11 %     12 %     12 %       13 %
Original LTV: 60% - 70%
    21 %     20 %     20 %     20 %       20 %     20 %     20 %     20 %       20 %
Original LTV: 70% - 75%
    14 %     14 %     14 %     15 %       15 %     14 %     14 %     14 %       13 %
Original LTV: 75% - 80%
    34 %     32 %     33 %     32 %       31 %     31 %     30 %     29 %       28 %
Original LTV: 80% - 90%
    2 %     3 %     2 %     2 %       2 %     2 %     2 %     2 %       3 %
Original LTV: 90% - 100%
    5 %     6 %     6 %     6 %       6 %     7 %     7 %     7 %       7 %
Wtg Avg FICO
    731       731       731       731         731       731       731       731         731  
FICO: <= 600
    1 %     1 %     1 %     1 %       1 %     1 %     1 %     1 %       1 %
FICO: 601 -620
    1 %     1 %     1 %     1 %       1 %     1 %     1 %     1 %       1 %
FICO: 621 - 640
    1 %     1 %     1 %     1 %       1 %     2 %     2 %     2 %       2 %
FICO: 641 -660
    3 %     3 %     3 %     3 %       3 %     3 %     3 %     3 %       4 %
FICO: 661 - 680
    8 %     8 %     8 %     8 %       8 %     8 %     8 %     8 %       7 %
FICO: 681 - 700
    12 %     12 %     12 %     12 %       12 %     12 %     12 %     11 %       11 %
FICO: 701 - 720
    15 %     14 %     14 %     14 %       14 %     14 %     14 %     14 %       14 %
FICO: 721 - 740
    13 %     14 %     14 %     14 %       14 %     14 %     14 %     14 %       14 %
FICO: 741 - 760
    15 %     15 %     15 %     16 %       16 %     16 %     16 %     16 %       16 %
FICO: 761 - 780
    17 %     17 %     17 %     17 %       17 %     17 %     17 %     17 %       17 %
FICO: 781 - 800
    11 %     11 %     11 %     11 %       11 %     11 %     11 %     11 %       12 %
FICO: >= 801
    3 %     2 %     2 %     2 %       2 %     2 %     2 %     2 %       2 %
Conforming at Origination %
    38 %     37 %     37 %     36 %       36 %     36 %     35 %     34 %       34 %
% balance in loans > $1mm per loan
    13 %     14 %     13 %     13 %       14 %     14 %     14 %     15 %       16 %
2nd Home %
    10 %     10 %     10 %     10 %       10 %     10 %     10 %     10 %       10 %
Investment Home %
    2 %     2 %     2 %     2 %       2 %     2 %     2 %     2 %       2 %
    33 %     33 %     33 %     34 %       33 %     33 %     31 %     31 %       30 %
Cash Out Refi
    34 %     34 %     34 %     34 %       34 %     35 %     36 %     36 %       35 %
Rate-Term Refi
    32 %     32 %     32 %     31 %       31 %     31 %     31 %     31 %       32 %
    0 %     0 %     0 %     0 %       0 %     0 %     0 %     0 %       0 %
    1 %     1 %     1 %     1 %       1 %     1 %     1 %     2 %       2 %
This table only includes loans shown under “residential real estate loans” on our GAAP balance sheet. These are the loans securitized by Sequoia securitization entities sponsored by Redwood. Not included are loans underlying residential credit-enhancement securities by Redwood from securitizations sponsored by others.
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005
  APPENDIX — Table 14 — Residential Loans   A-18



Table 15: Residential Loan Credit-Enhancement Securities — Underlying Collateral Characteristics (all $ in thousands)
    Q4:2005     Q3:2005     Q2:2005     Q1:2005       Q4:2004     Q3:2004     Q2:2004     Q1:2004       Q4:2003  
First loss position, principal value
  $ 471,079     $ 433,557     $ 425,080     $ 375,646       $ 352,752     $ 320,975     $ 279,927     $ 262,329       $ 255,570  
Second loss position, principal value
    170,928       231,837       306,145       265,639         276,720       244,042       197,403       176,672         174,592  
Third loss position, principal value
    393,867       387,419       372,512       337,593         304,300       265,507       235,578       194,999         193,530  
Total principal value
  $ 1,035,874     $ 1,052,813     $ 1,103,737     $ 978,878       $ 933,772     $ 830,524     $ 712,908     $ 634,000       $ 623,692  
First loss position, reported value
  $ 154,930     $ 152,470     $ 150,621     $ 126,694       $ 110,933     $ 99,783     $ 102,088     $ 75,769       $ 78,030  
Second loss position, reported value
    120,690       171,398       228,737       191,962         195,536       174,371       145,211       133,167         134,225  
Third loss position, reported value
    337,029       340,933       326,837       292,738         255,189       222,655       194,940       165,680         166,472  
Total reported value
  $ 612,649     $ 664,801     $ 706,195     $ 611,394       $ 561,658     $ 496,809     $ 442,239     $ 374,616       $ 378,727  
Internal Designated Credit Reserves
  $ 354,610     $ 382,862     $ 404,180     $ 365,998       $ 340,123       298,925     $ 235,535     $ 216,924       $ 200,970  
External Credit Enhancement
    140,907       134,967       141,970       92,467         67,650       69,244       70,460       43,797         46,476  
Total Credit Protection
  $ 495,517     $ 517,829     $ 546,150     $ 458,465       $ 407,773     $ 368,169     $ 305,995     $ 260,721       $ 247,446  
As % of Total Portfolio
    0.29 %     0.29 %     0.33 %     0.35 %       0.32 %     0.30 %     0.32 %     0.37 %       0.36 %
Underlying Residential Real Estate Loans
  $ 170,185,641     $ 179,067,189     $ 164,046,130     $ 130,127,109       $ 126,486,797     $ 121,585,353     $ 97,105,222     $ 71,361,570       $ 68,133,175  
Number of credit-enhanced loans
    500,907       527,048       492,513       343,928         332,130       281,543       222,725       158,904         150,031  
Average loan size
  $ 340     $ 340     $ 333     $ 378       $ 381     $ 432     $ 436     $ 449       $ 454  
Adjustable %
    5 %     7 %     7 %     9 %       9 %     8 %     8 %     7 %       8 %
Negam %
    24 %     18 %     18 %     18 %       17 %     14 %     12 %     11 %       12 %
Hybrid %
    32 %     32 %     30 %     28 %       28 %     29 %     33 %     37 %       42 %
Fixed %
    38 %     43 %     45 %     45 %       46 %     49 %     47 %     45 %       38 %
Interest Only %
    24 %     24 %     23 %     24 %       24 %     24 %     24 %     22 %       25 %
Northern California
    21 %     20 %     20 %     20 %       19 %     21 %     22 %     23 %       23 %
Southern California
    25 %     24 %     24 %     23 %       22 %     23 %     23 %     23 %       24 %
    6 %     5 %     5 %     5 %       6 %     5 %     5 %     4 %       4 %
New York
    5 %     5 %     5 %     5 %       5 %     5 %     5 %     5 %       5 %
    4 %     4 %     4 %     4 %       4 %     4 %     4 %     4 %       4 %
New Jersey
    3 %     4 %     4 %     4 %       4 %     4 %     4 %     4 %       4 %
    3 %     3 %     3 %     3 %       3 %     3 %     3 %     3 %       3 %
    3 %     3 %     3 %     3 %       3 %     3 %     3 %     3 %       3 %
    2 %     3 %     3 %     3 %       3 %     3 %     3 %     3 %       3 %
Other states (none greater than 3%)
    28 %     29 %     29 %     30 %       31 %     29 %     28 %     28 %       27 %
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005
  APPENDIX — Table 15 — Residential CES   A-19



Table 15: Residential Loan Credit-Enhancement Securities — Underlying Collateral
Characteristics (all $ in thousands)
    Q4:2005     Q3:2005     Q2:2005     Q1:2005       Q4:2004     Q3:2004     Q2:2004     Q1:2004       Q4:2003  
Year 2005 origination
    24 %     15 %     15 %     6 %       0 %     0 %     0 %     0 %       0 %
Year 2004 origination
    34 %     41 %     51 %     55 %       55 %     51 %     39 %     16 %       0 %
Year 2003 origination
    33 %     35 %     26 %     29 %       32 %     36 %     44 %     59 %       64 %
Year 2002 origination
    6 %     6 %     5 %     6 %       7 %     7 %     9 %     14 %       19 %
Year 2001 origination
    2 %     2 %     2 %     2 %       3 %     3 %     4 %     6 %       9 %
Year 2000 origination
    0 %     0 %     0 %     0 %       0 %     0 %     1 %     1 %       1 %
Year 1999 origination
    0 %     0 %     0 %     0 %       1 %     1 %     1 %     1 %       2 %
Year 1998 or earlier origination
    1 %     1 %     1 %     2 %       2 %     2 %     2 %     3 %       5 %
Wtg Avg Original LTV
    68 %     68 %     68 %     68 %       68 %     68 %     67 %     67 %       67 %
Original LTV: 0% - 20%
    1 %     1 %     0 %     0 %       0 %     0 %     0 %     0 %       0 %
Original LTV: 20% - 30%
    2 %     2 %     2 %     2 %       2 %     2 %     2 %     2 %       2 %
Original LTV: 30% - 40%
    3 %     3 %     3 %     3 %       3 %     3 %     3 %     4 %       4 %
Original LTV: 40% - 50%
    8 %     8 %     8 %     8 %       8 %     8 %     8 %     8 %       8 %
Original LTV: 50% - 60%
    12 %     12 %     12 %     12 %       12 %     13 %     13 %     13 %       13 %
Original LTV: 60% - 70%
    22 %     22 %     23 %     23 %       23 %     23 %     24 %     24 %       23 %
Original LTV: 70% - 75%
    15 %     15 %     15 %     15 %       15 %     15 %     15 %     15 %       15 %
Original LTV: 75% - 80%
    34 %     34 %     33 %     33 %       33 %     33 %     32 %     31 %       31 %
Original LTV: 80% - 90%
    2 %     2 %     3 %     3 %       3 %     2 %     2 %     2 %       3 %
Original LTV: 90% - 100%
    1 %     1 %     1 %     1 %       1 %     1 %     1 %     1 %       1 %
Wtg Avg FICO
    732       732       731       730         730       728       731       732         732  
FICO: <= 600
    0 %     0 %     0 %     0 %       0 %     0 %     0 %     0 %       0 %
FICO: 601 -620
    1 %     0 %     0 %     0 %       0 %     0 %     0 %     0 %       0 %
FICO: 621 - 640
    2 %     2 %     2 %     2 %       2 %     2 %     2 %     2 %       2 %
FICO: 641 -660
    4 %     4 %     4 %     4 %       4 %     4 %     4 %     4 %       3 %
FICO: 661 - 680
    7 %     7 %     7 %     7 %       7 %     7 %     7 %     7 %       6 %
FICO: 681 - 700
    11 %     11 %     11 %     11 %       11 %     11 %     10 %     10 %       10 %
FICO: 701 - 720
    13 %     13 %     13 %     13 %       13 %     13 %     13 %     13 %       13 %
FICO: 721 - 740
    13 %     14 %     14 %     14 %       14 %     14 %     14 %     14 %       14 %
FICO: 741 - 760
    15 %     15 %     15 %     16 %       16 %     16 %     16 %     16 %       16 %
FICO: 761 - 780
    17 %     17 %     17 %     17 %       17 %     18 %     18 %     17 %       17 %
FICO: 781 - 800
    12 %     12 %     12 %     11 %       11 %     11 %     11 %     11 %       11 %
FICO: >= 801
    3 %     3 %     3 %     2 %       2 %     2 %     2 %     2 %       2 %
    2 %     2 %     2 %     2 %       2 %     2 %     3 %     4 %       5 %
Conforming at Origination %
    25 %     23 %     22 %     20 %       17 %     15 %     17 %     11 %       9 %
% balance in loans > $1mm per loan
    8 %     6 %     6 %     6 %       5 %     6 %     7 %     7 %       8 %
2nd Home %
    6 %     6 %     5 %     5 %       5 %     5 %     6 %     5 %       5 %
Investment Home %
    3 %     2 %     3 %     2 %       2 %     2 %     2 %     2 %       2 %
    37 %     37 %     40 %     36 %       34 %     33 %     32 %     30 %       31 %
Cash Out Refi
    29 %     27 %     25 %     26 %       26 %     23 %     23 %     23 %       23 %
Rate-Term Refi
    34 %     36 %     33 %     38 %       40 %     44 %     44 %     46 %       45 %
    0 %     0 %     0 %     0 %       0 %     0 %     0 %     0 %       0 %
    0 %     0 %     2 %     0 %       0 %     0 %     1 %     1 %       1 %
This table includes loans underlying residential credit-enhancement securities acquired from securitizations sponsored by others. Not included are loans underlying residential credit-enhancement securities acquired from Sequoia entities sponsored by Redwood.
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005
  APPENDIX — Table 15 — Residential CES   A-20



Table 16: Commercial Real Estate Loans — Characteristics (all $ in thousands)
    Q4:2005     Q3:2005     Q2:2005     Q1:2005       Q4:2004     Q3:2004     Q2:2004     Q1:2004       Q4:2003  
Commercial Mortgage Loans
  $ 59,692     $ 56,102     $ 41,794     $ 56,604       $ 54,479     $ 33,389     $ 33,546     $ 22,177       $ 22,419  
Number of Loans
    13       12       9       12         9       7       6       9         9  
Average Loan Size
  $ 4,592     $ 4,675     $ 4,644     $ 4,717       $ 6,053     $ 4,770     $ 5,591     $ 2,464       $ 2,491  
Serious Delinquency
Realized Credit losses
California %
    25 %     28 %     37 %     42 %       44 %     72 %     72 %     65 %       65 %
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005
  APPENDIX — Table 16 — Commercial Loans   A-21



Table 17: Commercial Loan Credit Results (all $ in thousands)
                                                                            Losses To        
                    Internally-                                                   Securities   Redwood’s   Total Credit
                    Designated                   Total Credit   Seriously   Seriously           Junior to   Share of Net   Losses As %
            Underlying   Credit   External Credit   Total Credit   Protection as   Delinquent   Delinquent   Total Credit   Redwood’s   Charge-offs/   of Loans
            Loans (1)   Securities   Enhancement   Protection (2)   % of Loans   Loans   Loan %   Losses   Interest   (Recoveries)   (Annualized)
Total Managed Commercial Portfolio
    Q4: 2003     $ 31,180     $ 8,641     $     $ 8,641       27.71 %   $       0.00 %   $ 50     $     $ 50       0.64 %
    2003       31,180       8,641             8,641       27.71 %           0.00 %     81             81       0.26 %
    Q1: 2004       1,355,451       16,816             16,816       1.24 %           0.00 %                       0.00 %
    Q2: 2004       1,365,536       16,816             16,816       1.23 %           0.00 %                       0.00 %
    Q3: 2004       22,285,400       35,571       1,655,482       1,691,053       7.59 %     389,611       1.75 %     1,351       1,351             0.02 %
    Q4: 2004       26,139,083       54,280       1,633,055       1,687,335       6.46 %     362,956       1.39 %     5,135       4,959       176       0.08 %
    2004       26,139,083       54,280       1,633,055       1,687,335       6.46 %     362,956       1.39 %     6,486       6,310       176       0.02 %
    Q1: 2005       30,996,417       97,127       1,610,628       1,707,755       5.51 %     288,581       0.93 %     45,808       45,493       315       0.59 %
    Q2: 2005       31,293,511       95,351       1,588,200       1,683,551       5.38 %     254,503       0.81 %     19,622       18,161       1,461       0.25 %
    Q3: 2005       39,368,505       146,671       1,565,773       1,712,444       4.35 %     267,612       0.68 %     1,043       1,040       3       0.01 %
    Q4: 2005       43,018,611       149,947       1,603,266       1,753,213       4.08 %     284,954       0.66 %     14,365       14,397       (32 )     0.13 %
    2005       43,018,611       149,947       1,603,266       1,753,213       4.08 %     284,954       0.66 %     80,838       79,091       1,747       0.19 %
Commercial Real Estate Loans
    Q4: 2003     $ 31,180     $ 8,641     $     $ 8,641       27.71 %   $       0.00 %   $ 50     $     $ 50       0.64 %
    2003       31,180       8,641             8,641       27.71 %           0.00 %     81             81       0.26 %
    Q1: 2004       31,136       8,641             8,641       27.75 %           0.00 %                       <0.01 %
    Q2: 2004       43,448       8,641             8,641       19.89 %           0.00 %                       <0.01 %
    Q3: 2004       43,410       8,641             8,641       19.91 %           0.00 %                       <0.01 %
    Q4: 2004       65,598       8,641             8,641       13.17 %           0.00 %     176             176       1.07 %
    2004       65,598       8,641             8,641       13.17 %           0.00 %     176             176       0.27 %
    Q1: 2005       67,365       8,456             8,456       12.55 %           0.00 %     315             315       1.87 %
    Q2: 2005       51,778       8,141             8,141       15.72 %           0.00 %                       0.00 %
    Q3: 2005       66,348       8,141             8,141       12.27 %           0.00 %                       0.00 %
    Q4: 2005       70,091       8,141             8,141       11.61 %           0.00 %                       0.00 %
    2005       70,091       8,141             8,141       11.61 %           0.00 %     315             315       0.45 %
Commercial Loan Credit-Enhancement Securities
    Q4: 2003     $     $     $     $       0.00 %   $       0.00 %   $     $     $       0.00 %
    2003                               0.00 %           0.00 %                       0.00 %
    Q1: 2004       1,324,315       8,175       0       8,175       0.62 %     0       0.00 %                       0.00 %
    Q2: 2004       1,322,088       8,175       0       8,175       0.62 %     0       0.00 %                       0.00 %
    Q3: 2004       22,241,990       26,930       1,655,482       1,682,412       7.56 %     389,611       1.75 %     1,351       1,351             0.02 %
    Q4: 2004       26,073,485       45,639       1,633,055       1,678,694       6.44 %     362,956       1.39 %     4,959       4,959             0.08 %
    2004       26,073,485       45,639       1,633,055       1,678,694       6.44 %     362,956       1.39 %     6,310       6,310             0.02 %
    Q1: 2005       30,929,052       88,671       1,610,628       1,699,299       5.49 %     288,581       0.93 %     45,493       45,493             0.59 %
    Q2: 2005       31,241,733       87,210       1,588,200       1,675,410       5.36 %     254,503       0.81 %     19,622       18,161       1,461       0.25 %
    Q3: 2005       39,302,157       138,530       1,565,773       1,704,303       4.34 %     267,612       0.68 %     1,043       1,040       3       0.01 %
    Q4: 2005       42,948,520       141,806       1,603,266       1,745,072       4.06 %     284,954       0.66 %     14,365       14,397       (32 )     0.13 %
    2005       42,948,520       141,806       1,603,266       1,745,072       4.06 %     284,954       0.66 %     80,523       79,091       1,432       0.19 %
(1)   At December 31, 2005, we credit-enhanced $43 billion of commercial loans through our investments in commercial loan credit-enhancement securities. This includes $17 billion of commercial real estate loans credit enhanced through our interests in a CMBS re-REMIC, and $ 26 billion of commercial real estate loans credit enhanced through the ownership of first-loss CMBS securities.
(2)   The credit reserve on commercial real estate loans owned is only available to absorb losses on the commercial real estate loan portfolio. The internally-designated credit reserves on commercial loans credit enhanced and the external credit enhancement on commercial loans credit enhanced are only available to absorb losses on the commercial loan credit-enhancement portfolio.
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005
  APPENDIX — Table 17 — Commercial Credit   A-22



Table 18: Commercial Credit-Enhancement Securities — Underlying Collateral Characteristics (all $ in thousands)
    Dec. 2005   Sep. 2005   Jun. 2005   Mar. 2005     Dec. 2004   Sep. 2004   Jun. 2004   Mar. 2004
Underlying Commercial Real Estate Loans
  $ 25,881,564     $ 20,906,898     $ 12,492,337     $ 11,498,141       $ 5,859,585     $ 1,319,931     $ 1,322,088     $ 1,324,315  
Number of credit-enhanced loans
    1,857       1,428       801       717         392       93       93       93  
Average loan size
  $ 13,937     $ 14,640     $ 15,595     $ 16,036       $ 14,948     $ 14,193     $ 14,216     $ 14,240  
State Distribution
    16 %     17 %     17 %     17 %       18 %     18 %     18 %     18 %
    14 %     14 %     15 %     14 %       10 %     0 %     0 %     0 %
    8 %     8 %     10 %     9 %       8 %     6 %     6 %     6 %
    5 %     4 %     1 %     1 %       2 %     6 %     6 %     6 %
    7 %     3 %     2 %     2 %       2 %     5 %     5 %     5 %
    50 %     54 %     55 %     57 %       60 %     65 %     65 %     65 %
Property Type Distribution
    37 %     40 %     45 %     44 %       42 %     28 %     28 %     27 %
    31 %     32 %     34 %     33 %       31 %     41 %     41 %     41 %
    13 %     11 %     9 %     10 %       12 %     11 %     11 %     11 %
    7 %     6 %     6 %     8 %       6 %     4 %     4 %     4 %
    4 %     3 %     2 %     2 %       2 %     3 %     3 %     3 %
    2 %     3 %     2 %     1 %       2 %     4 %     4 %     4 %
    6 %     5 %     2 %     3 %       4 %     10 %     10 %     10 %
Weighted Average Current LTV
    68 %     69 %     67 %     68 %       67 %     68 %     68 %     68 %
Weighted Average Debt Service Coverage Ratio
    1.66       1.67       1.73       1.71         1.79       1.89       1.89       1.89  
The information presented above represents collateral information on our non-rated commercial CES portfolio, and excludes loans underlying a non-rated CES investment in a re-REMIC interest.
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005
  APPENDIX — Table 18 — Commercial CES   A-23



Table 19: Securities Portfolio — Characteristics (all $ in thousands)
    Total   AAA   AA   A   BBB   BB   B   Unrated
Commercial Real Estate
  $ 322,366     $ 10,704     $ 1,936     $ 20,326     $ 129,316     $ 130,315     $ 29,769     $  
Residential Prime
    690,329       29,476       240,275       194,202       226,376                    
Residential Subprime
    442,114       5,000       86,225       291,915       58,974                    
Residential Second Lien
    107,550             48,720       53,767       5,063                    
Manufactured Housing
REIT Corporate Debt
    31,569                         23,582       7,987              
Real Estate CDOs
    154,653       37,040       24,716       36,576       43,748       11,176             1,397  
Total Securities Portfolio
  $ 1,748,581     $ 82,220     $ 401,872     $ 596,786     $ 487,059     $ 149,478     $ 29,769     $ 1,397  
Includes a portion of Redwood’s permanent investment portfolio, plus securities consolidated from Acacia CDO securitization entities sponsored by Redwood, plus securities held by Redwood temporarily prior to sale to Acacia. Does not include securities purchased for Acacia or Redwood’s permanent investment portfolio from securitization entities sponsored by Redwood, as those securities are eliminated in the GAAP consolidation of the underlying entities. Does not include residential or commercial credit-enhancement securities.
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005
  APPENDIX — Table 19 — Securities Portfolio   A-24



Table 20: ABS Issued Characteristics — Residential Mortgage Loans (Sequoia) (all $ in thousands)
                                                    Principal   Interest
                    Original                   Estimated   Outstanding At   Rate At
Sequoia   Debt   Issue   Issue           Stated   Callable   December 31,   December 31,
ABS Issued (1)   Rating   Date   Amount   Index   Maturity   Date   2005   2005
Sequoia 1 A1
  AAA     07/29/97     $ 334,347     1m LIBOR     2028     Called   $ 0     NM
Sequoia 1 A2
  AAA     07/29/97       200,000     Fed Funds     2028     Called         NM
Sequoia 2 A1
  AAA     11/06/97       592,560     1y Treasury     2029     Called         NM
Sequoia 2 A2
  AAA     11/06/97       156,600     1m LIBOR     2029     Called         NM
Sequoia 3 A1
  AAA     06/26/98       225,459     Fixed to 12/02     2028     Retired         NM
Sequoia 3 A2
  AAA     06/26/98       95,000     Fixed to 12/02     2028     Retired         NM
Sequoia 3 A3
  AAA     06/26/98       164,200     Fixed to 12/02     2028     Retired         NM
Sequoia 3 A4
  AAA     06/26/98       121,923     1m LIBOR     2028     Called         NM
Sequoia 3 M1
  AA/AAA     06/26/98       16,127     1m LIBOR     2028     Called         NM
Sequoia 3 M2
  A/AA     06/26/98       7,741     1m LIBOR     2028     Called         NM
Sequoia 3 M3
  BBB/A     06/26/98       4,838     1m LIBOR     2028     Called         NM
Sequoia 1A A1
  AAA     05/04/99       157,266     1m LIBOR     2028     Called         NM
Sequoia 4 A
  AAA     03/21/00       377,119     1m LIBOR     2024       2007       106,901       4.73 %
Sequoia 5 A
  AAA     10/29/01       496,667     1m LIBOR     2026       2009       167,466       4.72 %
Sequoia 5 B1
  AA     10/29/01       5,918     1m LIBOR     2026       2009       4,354       5.17 %
Sequoia 5 B2
    A       10/29/01       5,146     1m LIBOR     2026       2009       3,786       5.17 %
Sequoia 5 B3
  BBB     10/29/01       2,316     1m LIBOR     2026       2009       1,704       5.17 %
Sequoia 6A
  AAA     04/26/02       496,378     1m LIBOR     2027       2009       188,979       4.69 %
Sequoia 6B1
  AA     04/26/02       5,915     1m LIBOR     2027       2009       4,905       5.07 %
Sequoia 6B2
    A       11/17/05       2,315     1m LIBOR     2027       2009       4,264       5.07 %
Sequoia 6B3
  BBB     11/17/05       1,534     1m LIBOR     2027       2009       1,920       5.07 %
Sequoia 7A
  AAA     05/29/02       554,686     1m LIBOR     2032       2008       172,194       4.71 %
Sequoia 7B1
  AA     05/29/02       8,080     1m LIBOR     2032       2008       5,421       5.12 %
Sequoia 7B2
    A       11/17/05       5,771     1m LIBOR     2032       2008       3,872       5.41 %
Sequoia 7B3
  BBB     11/17/05       3,463     1m LIBOR     2032       2008       2,324       5.41 %
Sequoia 8 1A-1
  AAA     07/30/02       50,000     1m LIBOR     2032     Retired         NM
Sequoia 8 1A-2
  AAA     07/30/02       61,468     Fixed to 12/04     2032       2008       5,177       5.64 %
Sequoia 8 2A
  AAA     07/30/02       463,097     1m LIBOR     2032       2008       171,577       4.67 %
Sequoia 8 3A
  AAA     07/30/02       49,973     6m LIBOR     2032       2008       9,616       5.13 %
Sequoia 8 B1
  AA     07/30/02       9,069     1m LIBOR     2032       2008       6,164       5.05 %
Sequoia 8 B2
    A       11/17/05       5,505     1m LIBOR     2032       2008       3,742       5.30 %
Sequoia 8 B3
  BBB     11/17/05       3,886     1m LIBOR     2032       2008       2,641       5.30 %
Sequoia 9 1A
  AAA     08/28/02       381,689     1m LIBOR     2032       2011       146,640       4.72 %
Sequoia 9 2A
  AAA     08/28/02       168,875     1m LIBOR     2032       2011       36,188       5.16 %
Sequoia 9 B1
  AA     08/28/02       7,702     1m LIBOR     2032       2011       5,698       5.12 %
Sequoia 10 1A
  AAA     09/26/02       822,375     1m LIBOR     2027       2011       349,768       4.77 %
Sequoia 10 2A-1
  AAA     09/26/02       190,000     1m LIBOR     2027       2011       78,069       4.75 %
Sequoia 10 2A-2
  AAA     09/26/02       3,500     1m LIBOR     2027       2011       3,020       5.05 %
Sequoia 10 B1
  AA     09/26/02       12,600     1m LIBOR     2027       2011       11,442       5.17 %
Sequoia 10 B2
    A       09/26/02       8,400     1m LIBOR     2027       2011       7,628       5.17 %
Sequoia 10 B3
  BBB     09/26/02       4,725     1m LIBOR     2027       2011       4,291       5.77 %
Sequoia 11 A
  AAA     10/30/02       695,210     1m LIBOR     2032       2011       256,839       4.82 %
Sequoia 11 B1
  AA     10/30/02       9,726     1m LIBOR     2032       2011       8,295       5.34 %
Sequoia 12 A
  AAA     12/19/02       1,080,076     1m LIBOR     2033       2009       411,300       4.82 %
Sequoia 12 B1
  AA     12/19/02       16,815     1m LIBOR     2033       2009       15,141       5.22 %
Sequoia 2003-1 A1
  AAA     02/27/03       798,206     1m LIBOR     2033       2009       331,642       4.75 %
Sequoia 2003-1 A2
  AAA     02/27/03       190,000     6m LIBOR     2033       2009       73,812       4.44 %
Sequoia 2003-1 B1
  AA     02/27/03       15,905     1m LIBOR     2033       2009       15,060       5.25 %
Sequoia 2003-1 B2
    A       02/27/03       8,210     Pass Through     2033       2009       7,774       4.99 %
Sequoia 2003-2 A1
  AAA     04/29/03       500,000     1m LIBOR     2022       2009       214,035       4.70 %
Sequoia 2003-2 A2
  AAA     04/29/03       303,600     6m LIBOR     2022       2009       122,311       4.70 %
Sequoia 2003-2 M1
  AA     04/29/03       11,480     1m LIBOR     2016       2009       11,480       5.02 %
Sequoia 2003-3 A1
  AAA     06/26/03       379,455     1m LIBOR     2023       2009       156,941       4.70 %
Sequoia 2003-3 A2
  AAA     06/26/03       149,922     6m LIBOR     2023       2009       51,268       5.02 %
Sequoia 2003-3 B1
  AA     06/26/03       9,075     1m LIBOR     2025       2009       8,374       5.02 %
MLCC 2003-C A1
  AAA     06/26/03       773,795     1m LIBOR     2023       2012       319,471       4.71 %
MLCC 2003-C A2
  AAA     06/26/03       200,002     6m LIBOR     2023       2012       86,437       5.06 %
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005
  APPENDIX — Table 20 — Sequoia Loans   A-25



Table 20: ABS Issued Characteristics — Residential Mortgage Loans (Sequoia) (all $ in thousands)
                                                    Principal   Interest
                    Original                   Estimated   Outstanding At   Rate At
Sequoia   Debt   Issue   Issue           Stated   Callable   December 31,   December 31,
ABS Issued (1)   Rating   Date   Amount   Index   Maturity   Date   2005   2005
MLCC 2003-C B1
  AA     06/26/03       10,553     1m LIBOR     2025       2012       9,836       5.03 %
MLCC 2003-D A
  AAA     07/29/03       992,833     1m LIBOR     2028       2012       453,279       4.69 %
MLCC 2003-D B1
  AA     07/29/03       10,758     1m LIBOR     2028       2012       10,508       5.01 %
Sequoia 2003-4 1A1
  AAA     07/29/03       148,641     1m LIBOR     2033       2009       73,356       4.68 %
Sequoia 2003-4 1A2
  AAA     07/29/03       150,000     6m LIBOR     2033       2009       72,566       4.18 %
Sequoia 2003-4 1B1
  AA     07/29/03       3,864     1m LIBOR     2033       2009       3,864       5.02 %
Sequoia 2003-4 2A1
  AAA     07/29/03       189,415     1m LIBOR     2033       2011       123,054       4.72 %
Sequoia 2003-4 2M1
  AA     07/29/03       9,986     1m LIBOR     2033       2011       9,986       4.84 %
Sequoia 2003-4 2B1
  AA     07/29/03       2,367     1m LIBOR     2033       2011       2,367       5.02 %
Sequoia 2003-5 A1
  AAA     08/27/03       675,596     1m LIBOR     2033       2009       265,433       4.68 %
Sequoia 2003-5 A2
  AAA     08/27/03       149,609     6m LIBOR     2033       2009       61,049       4.37 %
Sequoia 2003-5 B1
  AA     08/27/03       15,043     1m LIBOR     2033       2009       14,157       4.97 %
Sequoia 2003-6 A1
  AAA     10/29/03       458,238     1m LIBOR     2033       2009       171,673       4.68 %
Sequoia 2003-6 A2
  AAA     10/29/03       180,474     6m LIBOR     2033       2009       71,398       4.69 %
Sequoia 2003-6 B1
  AA     10/29/03       11,287     1m LIBOR     2033       2009       10,140       4.95 %
Sequoia 2003-7 A1
  AAA     11/25/03       290,000     1m LIBOR     2034       2009       116,740       4.69 %
Sequoia 2003-7 A2
  AAA     11/25/03       505,100     6m LIBOR     2034       2009       195,926       4.93 %
Sequoia 2003-7 B1
  AA     11/25/03       16,607     1m LIBOR     2034       2009       15,502       4.92 %
Sequoia 2003-8 A1
  AAA     12/23/03       791,768     1m LIBOR     2034       2009       362,045       4.69 %
Sequoia 2003-8 A2
  AAA     12/23/03       150,000     6m LIBOR     2034       2009       71,107       4.99 %
Sequoia 2003-8 B1
  AA     12/23/03       14,166     1m LIBOR     2034       2009       14,166       4.96 %
Sequoia 2003-8 B2
    A       12/23/03       8,304     1m LIBOR     2034       2009       8,304       5.62 %
MLCC 2003-E A1
  AAA     08/28/03       823,305     1m LIBOR     2028       2012       386,900       4.69 %
MLCC 2003-E A2
  AAA     08/28/03       150,000     6m LIBOR     2028       2012       60,800       4.38 %
MLCC 2003-E B1
  AA     08/28/03       10,547     1m LIBOR     2028       2012       10,547       4.98 %
MLCC 2003-F A1
  AAA     09/25/03       839,000     1m LIBOR     2028       2012       389,317       4.70 %
MLCC 2003-F A2
  AAA     09/25/03       270,000     6m LIBOR     2028       2012       124,462       4.43 %
MLCC 2003-F A3
  AAA     09/25/03       175,000     Pass Through     2028       2012       87,984       5.59 %
MLCC 2003-F B1
  AA     09/25/03       13,913     1m LIBOR     2028       2012       13,913       4.98 %
MLCC 2003-H A1
  AAA     12/22/03       365,708     1m LIBOR     2029       2012       179,301       4.70 %
MLCC 2003-H A2
  AAA     12/22/03       240,000     6m LIBOR     2029       2012       124,538       5.05 %
MLCC 2003-H A3A
  AAA     12/22/03       119,613     Pass Through     2029       2012       54,735       5.65 %
MLCC 2003-H B1
  AA     12/22/03       7,875     1m LIBOR     2029       2012       7,875       4.93 %
MLCC 2003-H B2
    A       12/22/03       6,000     1m LIBOR     2029       2012       6,000       5.63 %
Sequoia 2004-1 A1
  AAA     01/28/04       601,250     6m LIBOR     2034       2010       265,325       4.18 %
Sequoia 2004-1 B1
  AA     01/28/04       9,375     1m LIBOR     2034       2010       9,046       4.92 %
Sequoia 2004-1 B2
    A       01/28/04       5,937     1m LIBOR     2034       2010       5,729       5.42 %
Sequoia 2004-2 A1
  AAA     02/25/04       671,998     6m LIBOR     2034       2010       300,641       4.31 %
Sequoia 2004-2 B1
  AA     02/25/04       11,550     1m LIBOR     2034       2010       11,211       4.87 %
Sequoia 2004-2 B2
    A       02/25/04       7,000     1m LIBOR     2034       2010       6,795       5.35 %
Sequoia 2004-3 A1
  AAA     03/30/04       894,673     6m LIBOR     2034       2010       386,943       4.27 %
Sequoia 2004-3 M1
  AA     03/30/04       13,800     1m LIBOR     2034       2010       13,800       4.87 %
Sequoia 2004-3 M2
    A       03/30/04       9,200     1m LIBOR     2034       2010       9,200       5.27 %
Sequoia 2004-4 A1
  AAA     04/29/04       785,971     6m LIBOR     2010       2010       338,127       4.62 %
Sequoia 2004-4 B1
  AA     04/29/04       14,612     1m LIBOR     2010       2010       14,116       4.87 %
Sequoia 2004-4 B2
    A       04/29/04       8,350     1m LIBOR     2010       2010       8,067       5.27 %
Sequoia 2004-5 A1
  AAA     05/27/04       547,657     Pass Through     2012       2012       238,948       5.49 %
Sequoia 2004-5 A2
  AAA     05/27/04       185,613     1m LIBOR     2012       2012       88,563       4.63 %
Sequoia 2004-5 A3
  AAA     05/27/04       74,897     6m LIBOR     2012       2012       35,736       4.86 %
Sequoia 2004-5 B1
  AA     05/27/04       14,874     1m LIBOR     2012       2012       14,874       4.85 %
Sequoia 2004-5 B2
    A       05/27/04       8,499     1m LIBOR     2012       2012       8,499       5.25 %
Sequoia 2004-6 A1
  AAA     06/29/04       500,000     Pass Through     2012       2012       233,620       5.25 %
Sequoia 2004-6 A2
  AAA     06/29/04       185,687     1m LIBOR     2012       2012       102,372       4.65 %
Sequoia 2004-6 A3a
  AAA     06/29/04       196,500     6m LIBOR     2012       2012       91,899       4.96 %
Sequoia 2004-6 A3b
  AAA     06/29/04       3,500     6m LIBOR     2012       2012       1,637       5.11 %
Sequoia 2004-6 B1
  AA     06/29/04       15,725     1m LIBOR     2012       2012       15,725       4.87 %
Sequoia 2004-6 B2
    A       06/29/04       9,250     1m LIBOR     2012       2012       9,250       5.25 %
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005
  APPENDIX — Table 20 — Sequoia Loans   A-26



Table 20: ABS Issued Characteristics — Residential Mortgage Loans (Sequoia) (all $ in thousands)
                                                    Principal   Interest
                    Original                   Estimated   Outstanding At   Rate At
Sequoia   Debt   Issue   Issue           Stated   Callable   December 31,   December 31,
ABS Issued (1)   Rating   Date   Amount   Index   Maturity   Date   2005   2005
SEMHT 2004-01 A
  AAA     06/29/04       317,044     1m LIBOR     2014       2012       173,617       4.60 %
Sequoia 2004-7 A1
  AAA     07/29/04       498,828     Pass Through     2034       2012       128,569       4.88 %
Sequoia 2004-7 A2
  AAA     07/29/04       252,102     1m LIBOR     2034       2012       140,729       4.68 %
Sequoia 2004-7 A3a
  AAA     07/29/04       247,874     6m LIBOR     2034       2012       129,281       4.18 %
Sequoia 2004-7 A3b
  AAA     07/29/04       3,956     6m LIBOR     2034       2012       2,063       4.40 %
Sequoia 2004-7 B1
  AA     07/29/04       18,900     1m LIBOR     2034       2012       18,900       4.92 %
Sequoia 2004-7 B2
    A       07/29/04       11,025     1m LIBOR     2034       2012       11,025       5.31 %
Sequoia 2004-8 A1
  AAA     08/27/04       365,049     1m LIBOR     2034       2012       197,044       4.72 %
Sequoia 2004-8 A2
  AAA     08/27/04       418,050     6m LIBOR     2034       2012       206,634       4.41 %
Sequoia 2004-8 B1
  AA     08/27/04       16,400     1m LIBOR     2034       2012       16,400       4.89 %
Sequoia 2004-8 B2
    A       08/27/04       8,200     1m LIBOR     2034       2012       8,200       5.27 %
Sequoia 2004-9 A1
  AAA     09/29/04       453,364     1m LIBOR     2034       2012       265,535       4.71 %
Sequoia 2004-9 A2
  AAA     09/29/04       296,310     6m LIBOR     2034       2012       163,664       4.38 %
Sequoia 2004-9 B1
  AA     09/29/04       14,915     1m LIBOR     2034       2012       14,915       4.88 %
Sequoia 2004-9 B2
    A       09/29/04       8,242     1m LIBOR     2034       2012       8,242       5.25 %
Sequoia 2004-10 A-1A
  AAA     10/28/04       110,000     1m LIBOR     2034       2012       67,492       4.68 %
Sequoia 2004-10 A-1B
  AAA     10/28/04       12,225     1m LIBOR     2034       2012       7,501       4.74 %
Sequoia 2004-10 A-2
  AAA     10/28/04       203,441     1m LIBOR     2034       2012       124,825       4.69 %
Sequoia 2004-10 A-3A
  AAA     10/28/04       180,000     6m LIBOR     2034       2012       96,263       4.69 %
Sequoia 2004-10 A-3B
  AAA     10/28/04       20,000     6m LIBOR     2034       2012       10,696       4.75 %
Sequoia 2004-10 A-4
  AAA     10/28/04       126,799     6m LIBOR     2034       2012       67,811       4.70 %
Sequoia 2004-10 B-1
  AA     10/28/04       14,042     1m LIBOR     2034       2012       14,042       4.87 %
Sequoia 2004-10 B-2
    A       10/28/04       6,849     1m LIBOR     2034       2012       6,849       5.22 %
Sequoia 2004-11 A1
  AAA     11/23/04       433,985     1m LIBOR     2034       2013       255,694       4.67 %
Sequoia 2004-11 A2
  AAA     11/23/04       86,036     6m LIBOR     2034       2013       50,775       4.90 %
Sequoia 2004-11 A3
  AAA     11/23/04       170,694     1m LIBOR     2034       2013       129,893       4.67 %
Sequoia 2004-11 B1
  AA     11/23/04       8,947     1m LIBOR     2034       2013       8,947       4.87 %
Sequoia 2004-11 B2
    A       11/23/04       6,084     1m LIBOR     2034       2013       6,084       5.22 %
Sequoia 2004-12 A1
  AAA     12/22/04       380,510     1m LIBOR     2035       2013       235,661       4.64 %
Sequoia 2004-12 A2
  AAA     12/22/04       208,392     6m LIBOR     2035       2013       125,976       4.96 %
Sequoia 2004-12 A3
  AAA     12/22/04       218,331     6m LIBOR     2035       2013       110,890       4.99 %
Sequoia 2004-12 B1
  AA     12/22/04       8,588     1m LIBOR     2035       2013       8,588       4.87 %
Sequoia 2004-12 B2
    A       12/22/04       6,134     1m LIBOR     2035       2013       6,134       5.22 %
Sequoia 2005-1 A1
  AAA     01/27/05       298,055     1m LIBOR     2035       2013       191,031       4.60 %
Sequoia 2005-1 A2
  AAA     01/27/05       100,000     6m LIBOR     2035       2013       69,108       4.10 %
Sequoia 2005-1 B1
  AA     01/27/05       7,067     1m LIBOR     2035       2013       7,067       4.79 %
Sequoia 2005-1 B2
    A       01/27/05       3,949     1m LIBOR     2035       2013       3,949       5.07 %
Sequoia 2005-2 A1
  AAA     02/24/05       202,462     1m LIBOR     2035       2013       120,853       4.59 %
Sequoia 2005-2 A2
  AAA     02/24/05       126,737     6m LIBOR     2035       2013       73,396       4.29 %
Sequoia 2005-2 B1
  AA     02/24/05       6,016     1m LIBOR     2035       2013       6,016       4.76 %
Sequoia 2005-2 B2
    A       02/24/05       3,266     1m LIBOR     2035       2013       3,266       5.04 %
Sequoia 2005-3 A1
  AAA     04/28/05       349,687     1m LIBOR     2035       2013       249,536       4.57 %
Sequoia 2005-3 B1
  AA     04/28/05       6,208     1m LIBOR     2035       2013       6,208       4.74 %
Sequoia 2005-3 B2
    A       04/28/05       3,287     1m LIBOR     2035       2013       3,287       5.01 %
Madrona 2005-A
  BBB     08/25/05       5,400     1m LIBOR     2008       2008       5,400       6.14 %
SEMT 2005-4 1-A1
  AAA     09/29/05       133,459,000     1m LIBOR     2035       2013       118,703       4.59 %
SEMT 2005-4 1-A2
  AAA     09/29/05       14,829,000     1m LIBOR     2035       2013       13,190       4.74 %
SEMT 2005-4 1-B1
  AA     09/29/05       2,093,000     1m LIBOR     2035       2013       2,093       4.82 %
SEMT 2005-4 1-B2
  AA     09/29/05       1,395,000     1m LIBOR     2035       2013       1,395       5.00 %
SEMT 2005-4 2-A1
  AAA     09/29/05       160,096,000     Pass Through     2035       2013       148,698       4.08 %
SEMT 2005-4 2-A2
  AAA     09/29/05       10,268,000     Pass Through     2035       2013       9,537       4.08 %
SEMT 2005-4 2-B1
  AA     09/29/05       1,740,000     Pass Through     2035       2013       1,740       4.08 %
SEMT 2005-4 2-B2
    A       09/29/05       696,000     Pass Through     2035       2013       696       4.08 %
Total Sequoia ABS Issuance
                  $ 354,826,647                             $ 13,246,990       4.70 %
(1)   Does not include Sequoia ABS acquired by Redwood or Acacia
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005
  APPENDIX — Table 20 — Sequoia Loans   A-27



Table 21: ABS Issued Characteristics — IO’s from Residential Real Estate Loans
(Sequoia Interest-Only Certificates Issued) (all $ in thousands)
                                                    Adjusted Issue   Interest
                    Original                   Estimated   Amount At   Rate At
Sequoia ABS   Debt   Issue   Issue           Stated   Callable   December 31,   December 31,
IO’s Issued (1)   Rating   Date   Amount   Index   Maturity   Date   2005   2005
MLCC 2003-C X-A-2
  AAA     06/26/03     $ 12,662     Fixed     2007       2011     $ 1,584       4.50 %
MLCC 2003-D X-A-1
  AAA     07/29/03       22,371     Fixed     2007       2012       3,489       4.50 %
MLCC 2003-E X-A-1
  AAA     08/28/03       16,550     Fixed     2007       2012       3,683       4.25 %
MLCC 2003-F X-A-1
  AAA     09/25/03       18,666     Fixed     2007       2012       4,190       4.50 %
Sequoia 2003-6 X-1
  AAA     10/29/03       8,220     Fixed     2007       2009       1,742       4.50 %
SMFC 2003A AX1
  AAA     10/31/03       70,568     Fixed     2007       2007       12,140       4.50 %
Sequoia 2003-7 X-1
  AAA     11/25/03       10,345     Fixed     2007       2012       2,354       4.25 %
Sequoia 2003-8 X-1
  AAA     12/23/03       12,256     Fixed     2007       2009       3,033       4.50 %
Sequoia 2004-1 X-1
  AAA     01/28/04       7,801     Fixed     2007       2009       2,092       4.00 %
Sequoia 2004-2 X-1
  AAA     02/25/04       8,776     Fixed     2007       2009       2,512       3.75 %
SMFC 2004A AX1
  AAA     02/26/04       10,626     Fixed     2007       2007       3,587       3.75 %
MLCC 2003-H X-A-1
  AAA     12/22/03       10,430     Fixed     2007       2012       3,002       4.25 %
Sequoia 2004-4 X-1
  AAA     05/28/04       9,789     Fixed     2010       2009       3,405       4.25 %
Sequoia 2004-5 X-1
  AAA     05/27/04       3,371     Fixed     2012       2012       1,191       4.15 %
Sequoia 2004-6 X-A
  AAA     06/29/04       10,884     Through     2012       2012       6,803       N/A  
Sequoia 2004-7 X-A
  AAA     07/29/04       12,145     Through     2034       2012       7,598       N/A  
Sequoia 2004-8 X-A
  AAA     08/27/04       18,270     Through     2034       2012       11,927       N/A  
Sequoia 2004-9 X-A
  AAA     09/29/04       16,951     Through     2034       2012       11,267       N/A  
Sequoia 2004-10 X-A
  AAA     10/28/04       14,735     Through     2034       2012       10,024       N/A  
Sequoia 2004-11 X-A-1
  AAA     11/23/04       12,603     Through     2034       2013       8,866       N/A  
Sequoia 2004-11 X-A-2
  AAA     11/23/04       4,697     Through     2034       2013       3,360       N/A  
Sequoia 2004-12 X-A-1
  AAA     12/22/04       14,453     Through     2035       2013       10,432       N/A  
Sequoia 2004-12 X-A-2
  AAA     12/22/04       4,619     Through     2035       2013       5,081       N/A  
Sequoia 2005-1 X-A
  AAA     01/27/05       9,669     Through     2035       2013       7,206       N/A  
Sequoia 2005-2 X-A
  AAA     02/24/05       7,484     Through     2035       2013       5,633       N/A  
Sequoia 2005-3 X-A
  AAA     04/28/05       8,183     Through     2035       2013       6,587       N/A  
Total Sequoia Issuance
                  $ 357,124                             $ 142,788       4.31 %
(1)   Does not include Sequoia IO’s acquired by Redwood or Acacia
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005
  APPENDIX — Table 21 — Residential IOs   A-28



Table 22: ABS Characteristics — Commercial Real Estate Loans (all $ in thousands)
                                                    Principal   Interest
                    Original                   Estimated   Outstanding At   Rate At
Commercial   Debt   Issue   Issue           Stated   Callable   December 31,   December 31,
ABS Issued   Rating   Date   Amount   Index   Maturity   Date   2005   2005
Commercial 1
  NR     03/30/01     $ 9,010     1m LIBOR     2002     Paid Off   $       N/A  
Commercial 2
  NR     03/30/01       8,320     1m LIBOR     2003     Paid Off           N/A  
Commercial 3
  NR     03/01/02       8,318     1m LIBOR     2003     Paid Off           N/A  
Commercial 4
  NR     08/18/03       5,595     6m LIBOR     2009     Paid Off           N/A  
Commercial 5
  NR     12/10/04       4,030     6m LIBOR     2005     Paid Off           N/A  
Commercial 6
  NR     02/07/05       4,250     Fixed     2009     NC     4,250       12.00 %
                  $ 39,523                             $ 4,250       12.00 %
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005
  APPENDIX — Table 22 — Commercial ABS   A-29



Table 23: CDO ABS Issued Characteristics
Acacia (all $ in thousands)
                                                    Principal   Interest
                    Original                   Estimated   Outstanding At   Rate At
    Debt   Issue   Issue           Stated   Callable   December 31,   December 31,
CDO Issuance (1)   Rating   Date   Amount   Index   Maturity   Date   2005   2005
Acacia CDO 1 A
  AAA     12/10/02     $ 224,250     3m LIBOR     2018       2010     $       4.34 %
Acacia CDO 1 B
  AA     12/10/02       45,000     3m LIBOR     2037       2010             5.06 %
Acacia CDO 1 C
  BBB     12/10/02       15,750     3m LIBOR     2037       2010             6.46 %
Acacia CDO 2 A
  AAA     05/13/03       222,000     3m LIBOR     2023       2011       182,697       4.44 %
Acacia CDO 2 B
  AA     05/13/03       45,375     3m LIBOR     2038       2011       45,375       5.09 %
Acacia CDO 2 C
  BBB     05/13/03       16,500     3m LIBOR     2038       2011       16,500       7.04 %
Acacia CDO 3 A
  AAA     11/04/03       222,000     3m LIBOR     2038       2011       206,830       4.34 %
Acacia CDO 3 B
  AA     11/04/03       45,750     3m LIBOR     2038       2011       45,750       4.96 %
Acacia CDO 3 C
  BBB     11/04/03       16,500     3m LIBOR     2038       2011       16,500       7.16 %
Acacia CDO 4 A
  AAA     04/08/04       229,400     3m LIBOR     2039       2012       228,990       3.94 %
Acacia CDO 4 B1
  AA     04/08/04       45,300     3m LIBOR     2039       2012       45,300       4.41 %
Acacia CDO 4 B2
  AA     04/08/04       2,000     Fixed     2039       2012       2,000       4.81 %
Acacia CDO 4 C1
  BBB     04/08/04       13,700     3m LIBOR     2039       2012       13,700       6.41 %
Acacia CDO 4 C2
  BBB     04/08/04       3,000     Fixed     2039       2012       3,000       6.81 %
Acacia CDO 5 A
  AAA     07/14/04       222,500     3m LIBOR     2039       2012       222,328       4.13 %
Acacia CDO 5 B
  AA     07/14/04       42,250     3m LIBOR     2039       2012       42,250       4.60 %
Acacia CDO 5 C
    A       07/14/04       9,000     3m LIBOR     2039       2012       9,000       5.20 %
Acacia CDO 5 D
    A       07/14/04       3,000     3m LIBOR     2039       2012       3,000       5.75 %
Acacia CDO 5 E
  BBB     07/14/04       5,375     3m LIBOR     2039       2012       5,375       6.55 %
Acacia CDO 6 A1
  AAA     11/09/04       222,000     3m LIBOR     2040       2012       221,583       4.14 %
Acacia CDO 6 A2
  AAA     11/09/04       15,000     3m LIBOR     2040       2012       15,000       4.43 %
Acacia CDO 6 B
  AA     11/09/04       27,000     3m LIBOR     2040       2012       27,000       4.58 %
Acacia CDO 6 C
    A       11/09/04       6,500     3m LIBOR     2040       2012       6,500       5.13 %
Acacia CDO 6 D
    A       11/09/04       3,000     3m LIBOR     2040       2012       3,000       5.78 %
Acacia CDO 6 E1
  BBB     11/09/04       1,500     3m LIBOR     2040       2012       1,500       6.58 %
Acacia CDO 6 E2
  BBB     11/09/04       7,000     Fixed     2040       2012       7,000       6.95 %
Acacia CDO 7 A
  AAA     03/10/05       231,700     3m LIBOR     2045       2013       231,691       3.85 %
Acacia CDO 7 B
  AA     03/10/05       28,100     3m LIBOR     2045       2013       28,100       4.14 %
Acacia CDO 7 C
    A       03/10/05       6,000     3m LIBOR     2045       2013       6,000       4.74 %
Acacia CDO 7 D
  BBB     03/10/05       16,200     3m LIBOR     2045       2013       16,200       6.16 %
Acacia CDO 8 A1
  AAA     07/14/05       175,000     3m LIBOR     2045       2013       174,921       3.84 %
Acacia CDO 8 A2
  AAA     07/14/05       15,000     3m LIBOR     2045       2013       15,000       3.99 %
Acacia CDO 8 B
  AA     07/14/05       22,000     3m LIBOR     2045       2013       22,000       4.11 %
Acacia CDO 8 C
    A       07/14/05       20,000     3m LIBOR     2045       2013       20,000       4.76 %
Acacia CDO 8 D
    A-       07/14/05       10,000     3m LIBOR     2045       2013       10,000       5.21 %
Acacia CDO 8 E
  BBB     07/14/05       10,000     3m LIBOR     2045       2013       10,000       6.41 %
Acacia CRE1 Class A
  AAA     12/14/05       159,000     3m LIBOR     2045       2013       159,000       4.85 %
Acacia CRE1 Class B
  AA     12/14/05       39,000     3m LIBOR     2045       2013       39,000       4.98 %
Acacia CRE1 Class C
    A       12/14/05       21,000     3m LIBOR     2045       2013       21,000       5.53 %
Acacia CRE1 Class D
    A       12/14/05       18,000     3m LIBOR     2045       2013       18,000       5.83 %
Acacia CRE1 Class E
  BBB     12/14/05       11,250     3m LIBOR     2045       2013       11,250       6.53 %
Acacia CRE1 Class F
  BBB     12/14/05       13,500     3m LIBOR     2045       2013       13,500       7.13 %
Total CDO Issuance
                  $ 2,506,400                             $ 2,165,840       4.42 %
(1)   Does not include ABS acquired by Redwood or Acacia
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005
  APPENDIX — Table 23 — CDO ABS   A-30



Table 24: ABS Resecuritization Characteristics
Other Resecuritizations — (SMFC) (all $ in thousands)
                                                    Principal   Interest
Other                   Original                   Estimated   Outstanding At   Rate At
Resecuritization   Debt   Issue   Issue           Stated   Callable   December 31,   December 31,
Issuance (1)   Rating   Date   Amount   Index   Maturity   Date   2005   2005
SMFC 2002A A1
  AAA     04/30/02     $ 64,761     1m LIBOR     2030       2005     $ 0       N/A  
SMFC 2002A A2
  AAA     04/30/02       15,861     1m LIBOR     2029       2005             N/A  
SMFC 2002B I A1
  AA     12/19/02       16,855     Fixed     2031       2005       524       5.43 %
SMFC 2002B I A2
    A       12/19/02       18,274     Fixed     2031       2005       568       5.68 %
SMFC 2002B I A3
  BBB     12/19/02       17,221     Fixed     2031       2005       536       6.38 %
SMFC 2002B I A4
  BB     12/19/02       25,133     Fixed     2031       2005       782       6.75 %
SMFC 2002B II A1
  AA     12/19/02       15,517     Fixed     2039       2005       636       4.82 %
SMFC 2002B II A2
    A       12/19/02       18,345     Fixed     2039       2005       751       4.92 %
SMFC 2002B II A3
  BBB     12/19/02       14,989     Fixed     2039       2005       614       5.35 %
SMFC 2002B II A4
  BB     12/19/02       8,347     Fixed     2039       2005       342       6.00 %
Total Resecuritizations
                  $ 215,303                             $ 4,753       5.65 %
(1)   Does not include ABS acquired by Redwood or Acacia
The Redwood Review — 4th Quarter 2005
  APPENDIX — Table 24 — SMFC ABS   A-31